Download page Forecast Billing for Order Line Items and Line Items (CPQ).
Forecast Billing for Order Line Items and Line Items (CPQ)
You can forecast the billing for new sales of products with one-time and recurring billing, merge the schedule information into the quote document, and send it to the customer. You can forecast the same line item multiple times with or without changing the dates, price, or billing frequency details. Each time you forecast the billing for an order or line item, the previous records are deleted, and new records are created with the latest forecast information.
The forecasted billing data is stored in the ForecastBillingScheduleRecord object.
The order line item is not active.
The quote/proposal of the line item is not finalized/accepted.
The API creates the forecast schedules and displays the data for the following fields:
Line Item ID: The source transaction line ID.
The ID of the forecasted BSR: The ID of the forecasted billing schedule record (FBSR).
Period Start Date: The period start date of the billing schedule record (BSR).
Period End Date: The period end date of the BSR.
Forecasted Fee Amount: The actual fee amount of the BSR.
Ready For Invoice Date: The ready for the invoice date of the BSR.
Invoice Status: The invoice status of the BSR.
Payment Term: The payment term on the BSR.
Contracted: The contracted field on the billing header (BH) is True or False.
For example:
There is a new sale in discussion with TCV (Sales) of USD 1,200.00 and quarterly billing frequency. The contract start and end dates are 01-July-2024 and 30- June-2025. The order is not activated yet. The customer wants to see the forecasted billing schedules to have a better idea and understanding of the payment dates and fee amounts.
As a sales representative, you forecasted the billing, and the records are generated as follows: