Legal Entities are individual business units within an organization. They are responsible for conducting business transactions with customers across geographies. For example, your organization can have a US Legal Entity and a UK Legal Entity. The US Legal entity is responsible for conducting business transactions with customers in North America. The UK legal entity is responsible for conducting business transactions in the EMEA Region. 

For more information on legal entities, refer to Legal Entities in Revenue Recognition on Salesforce Administrator Guide. 

You can have different document templates for different Legal Entities.  Link the legal entity to your Quote/Proposal to generate a document with a legal entity based template. 

To send an email from the legal entity email address, ensure that you set the email address of the legal entity in Organization-Wide Email Address setting.

To set-up a document template for a Legal Entity:

  1. From All Tabs, click Legal Entity Template Settings Entries.
  2. Enter values for the following field: 

    Document Template NameEnter the name of the template to use for PDF generation
    Delivery TypeSelect the delivery method for the document. Note: Currently we do not support this field.
    Document Type

    Select the document type from one of the following:

    • Invoice
    • Split Invoice
    • Credit Memo
    • Wallet Credit
    • Dunning
    Email Template Name

    Enter the name of the Email Template to use while sending email notifications

    Note: Currently we do not support this field.

    Legal EntityEnter the name of the Legal Entity
  3. Click Save.

You can use this functionality to have legal entity based templates for the following documents: 

  • Invoice
  • Split Invoice
  • Credit Memo
  • Wallet Credit
  • Dunning