Clauses are the individual legal terms that comprise a Contract document generated by Conga Contracts for Salesforce. A Contract document contains multiple Clauses that are included in Clause Bundles and categorized by Clause Types. The components referenced in this article review the necessary prerequisites for preparing a Conga Contracts for Salesforce Word Template and Contract output document.

To create and structure Clauses that are referenced in a Conga Contracts for Salesforce output document:

  1. Click the Clauses object tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill out the required fields for the new Clause record:
    • Clause Name - Use a naming convention that accurately describes the specific legal terms referenced within the Clause record.
      • Example of Clause Names: Colorado Governing Law, Confidential Information, and Internal Downtime.
    • Clause Type - Select a value for the Clause Type field. Clause Types allow you to group related clauses together. If you have not yet created Clauses Types yet, see Create Clause Types for more information.
      • Example of a Clause with a Clause Type: Colorado Governing Law (Clause) and Governing Law (Clause Type).
    • (Optional) Restrict To Alternate Clauses - Only check this box if you are creating an Alternate Clause. Alternate Clauses are related to a parent Clause (many to one relationship). You can switch the master Clause to one of the related Alternate Clauses within Conga Contracts for Salesforce Negotiate mode.
    • (Optional) Sub Clauses - Similar to Alternate Clauses, Sub Clauses are child Clause records related to a master Clause. Sub Clauses are useful for providing additional information for a master clause in the Contract document while keeping them grouped together. For more information on Sub Clauses, see Create Sub Clauses.
    • Text - Add the full text of the Clause to this field.
    • Text (Rich)- Add the full text of the Clause with formattings such as numbering, bullets, and italics to this field.
      • If the individual Clause's text requires numbering or hierarchical bullets, it is highly recommended to do so using the Text (Rich) field. You can then number and bullet the clause records within the Contracts document Word template. It is not recommended to number or bullet individual Clause's text within the Word document.
  4. Click Save.

Preparing and Categorizing Clauses for a Contract Template

Once you have created Clauses for the legal terms included in the Contract Document, it is necessary to organize and package the terms into Clause Bundles.

Typically each specific Contract document has a corresponding Clause Bundle. For example, a Contract document for a Statement of Work will have an associated Statement of Work Clause Bundle record. Clause Bundles often contain multiple Clause Types (with each Clause Type containing related clauses) that make up the different sections of the Contract document. An example is a Statement of Work Clause Bundle that contains Definitions and Payment Clause Types. The Contract document would then have sections for Definitions clauses and Payment clauses.

To create a Clause Bundle:

  1. Click the Clause Bundles object tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill out the Clause Bundle Name field. Name the Clause Bundle similar to the Contract document it references.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Related tab on the new Clause Bundle record.
  6. Click the Select Clauses button
  7. In the Select and Order Bundle Clauses user interface, click the plus button next to each clause to add all clauses specific to the Clause Bundle
    • Example: The Statement of Work Clause Bundle contains the following clauses: Objectives and Scope, Advisory Services, Invoicing Solution, and more.
  8. Choose the sort order by assigning each clause a number in the Sort field. The sort order of the Clause Bundle determines the order of the clauses within the Contract document.

Managed Clauses and Retrieving Clause Data for the Contract Document

After the Clause Bundles are created and the Clauses are added, you are ready to reference the Clauses on a Salesforce record as Managed Clauses. Managed Clauses are selected Clauses that correlate to a specific Salesforce record (typically a Contract record or custom object record).

Managed Clauses are editable, as each Salesforce record's use case may require changes to Clauses throughout the negotiation process. Clause Revisions are either done dynamically during negotiation process with the recipient, or updated manually by a user on the Salesforce record's Managed Clauses. Revisions to Managed Clauses are record specific and do not affect the Clause record.

Use the Select Clause Bundle button to add a Clause Bundle and Managed Clauses to an object record.

Add the Select Clause Bundle Button to the Contract Object

To add the Select Clause Bundle button to the object where you adding Managed Clauses and generating the Contract document:

  1. Navigate to the Conga Contracts Setup object tab.
  2. Under the expandable Conga Contacts section, click Object Configuration.
  3. Click Start Automatic Configuration.
  4. Select Contract, click the Add button and then click Select Objects.
  5. Select the profiles that will have access to the Select Clause Bundle button then click Run Setup.

Add the Select Clause Bundle Button to Other Objects

To add the Select Clause Bundle Button, except choose the different custom or standard object instead of the Contract object:

  1. Repeat the steps to add the select clause bundle button to the Contract object in the previous section.
  2. Follow the directions in Add Select Clause Bundle on Standard or Custom Salesforce Objects to add the button to an object other than Contract.

Following Managed Clauses, the next steps in building your CLM Solution with Conga Contracts for Salesforce are retrieving Managed Clause data using a SOQL Query and building a Contract document template in Microsoft Word with Conga Composer.