How to use the Automatic Configurator to setup Conga Contracts for Salesforce.

The Automatic Configurator for Conga Contracts for Salesforce allows you to automatically setup components on your configured objects.

The following is a list of what the Automatic Configurator does:

  • Create primary document fields on each selected object - Primary_Document__c and Primary_Document_Title__c. Contract object is skipped because these fields are already included in the managed package.
  • Create custom setting entries in Conga API Settings for the primary document fields listed in A. Contract object is skipped because these fields are already included in the managed package.
  • Create Approval_Request_Status__c and Recursive_Merge_Status__c fields on each selected object.
  • Create a lookup field on Managed Clause object to each selected object using the Parent_{ObjectKeyPrefix}__c convention.
  • Create a lookup field from Version History, Contract Collaborators, and Approval Request objects to each selected object using the CFS_{ObjectName}__c convention.
  • Enable EnhancedEmailEnabled org setting if not already enabled.
  • Create Attached_Contract_Documents__c field on EmailMessage object if it doesn't already exist.
  • Approval Trigger created on each selected object using the CFS_{ObjectName}ApprovalTrigger convention. Approval test class created for each trigger using the CFS_{ObjectName}ApprovalTriggerTest convention.
  • Configure field level security for all newly created fields for each selected profile. Field level security is not set on the primary document fields on Contract since these are part of the managed package.

To run the automatic configurator, take the following steps:

  1. From Salesforce, go to Conga Contracts Setup.
  2. Under Object Configuration click on Start Automatic Configuration.
  3. In the Automatic Configuration popup window, select the object you want to configure and click Add. When your selections are complete, click on Select Objects.
  4. Select the profiles permitted to use Conga Contracts, and click Add.
  5. To complete the setup, click Run Setup.