Contract rules can be used to fulfill contract creation requests when the requestor does not have permission to generate contract documents. Contract rules enable the system to determine how a contract should be processed when a requestor raises a new contract request. 

Contract rules can be configured to auto-generate contract documents or assign the contract to a user group for further processing. The following is an example of a contract request process for which contract rules can be configured:

  • The requester creates a contract record and clicks Submit Request.
  • Based on the information provided by the requester, the system determines if the contract should be processed as a standard self-service contract or as a non-standard contract requiring authoring and negotiations.
  • For a standard contract, the system generates a contract document and sends it as an email attachment to the contract's primary contact. The requester obtains the signatures on the contract document, scans the hard copy, and attaches it to the contract record. Clicking Activate puts the contract in effect.
  • For a non-standard contract, the contract is assigned to a preconfigured user group. The user group takes ownership of the contract, authors it, and negotiates it with the other party. The requester obtains the signatures on the contract document, scans the hard copy, and attaches it to the contract record. Clicking Activate puts the contract in effect In Effect.

For more information about contract rule use cases and how contract rules work, see Use Case for Contract Rules. Also see Submitting a Document Generation Request.

This section describes how to configure contract rules with one or more inclusion criteria and filter criteria to define the conditions to process contract requests.

To create a Contract Rule

  1. Go to CLM ADMIN.
  2. Under CLM ADMIN SETUP, click Contract Rules.
  3. Click New Rule
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. Enter the contract rule name in the Name field.
    2. Slide the Is Active toggle button to make the rule active.
    3. Enter a value in the Sequence Number field. The sequence number defines the order in which the contract rule is executed.
    4. Select the rule type, as described in the following table:

      Rule Type


      Used in Submit Request Mode

      Contract TemplateThis parameter identifies the contract template for automatic contract document generation.Auto
      Email TemplateThis parameter identifies the template for an email sent to predefined recipients as an attachment to the contract document.Auto
      User GroupThis parameter is used to select the user group that contract ownership is transferred to in order to process the contract request.Manual
      Submit Request ModeWhen set to Auto, this parameter mode triggers automatic contract document generation. If this parameter is set to Manual, the next contract rule with the same sequence is executed.Not applicable
    5. Enter a value in the Rule Value field.
    6. Description: Enter a description for the rule.
  5. Click Save.

To configure a contract rule

  1. Click the Rule Configuration tab for the contract rule.
  2. In the Inclusion Criteria section, select the field and expressions to use as entry criteria for the contract record to be submitted for processing. Click Add Criteria.
    1. Select a field from the Field drop-down list.
    2. Select an operator from the Operator drop-down list. The operator defines the relationship between the field and the value. The list of available operators varies depending on the data type of the chosen field. 
    3. Enter the value of the field. The type of value field depends on the field selected.
    4. To add another criteria, click Add Criteria and repeat steps 2 (a), (b), and (c). A formula is displayed in the Filter Expression textbox showing the criteria added. You can also alter the filter expression. AND and OR operators are supported in the filter expression.
  3. In the Filter Criteria section, select fields and expressions to control the visibility of contract records when inclusion criteria are met. Click Add Criteria.
    1. Select a field from the Field drop-down list.
    2. Select an operator from the Operator drop-down list. The operator defines the relationship between the field and the value. The list of available operators varies depending on the data type of the chosen field. 
    3. Enter a value. The type of value is defined by the field selected.
    4. To add another criterion, click Add Criteria and repeat steps 3 (a), (b), and (c). A formula is displayed in the Filter Expression textbox showing the criteria added. You can also alter the filter expression. AND and OR operators are supported in the filter expression.
  4. Click Save.

To edit a contract rule

  1. Click the Contract Rule link to open the contract rule.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Edit the details and click Save.

To clone a contract rule

  1. Click the Contract Rule link to open the contract rule.
  2. Click the More icon () and select Clone for the contract rule to be cloned. This displays the "Contract rule cloned successfully." popup. A copy of the cloned contract rule is created with "Clone" suffixed to its name. 
  3. Click Edit to modify the rule information. 
  4. Click Save.

To delete a contract rule

You can delete a contract rule from the contract rule list. 

  1. Click the More icon () in the row you will delete and select Delete
  2. Click Confirm. 

The contract rule is deleted.