You can set visibility or validation rules for page header actions, page tabs, sections within a detail page, and fields. For example, configure validation rules for contracts such as:

  • If a user enters a currency value, they must select a currency type, or the system displays an error message.
  • For contracts with the "MSA" agreement type, display the "Additional Information" section.
  • If the contract number is not provided, display an error message in the contract number field.
  • Display or hide actions and custom actions on the UI based on defined rule criteria.

For more information about how to add rules to actions, sections of the record detail page, fields of the record detail page, and tabs, see Applying Rules.

Examples of Validation Rules and Visibility Rules in CLM

You can fulfill the following validation and visibility scenarios using rule configuration:

  • Make an optional field mandatory or vis-a-versa (through field-level error message) if the condition is met

  • Disable or enable a field depending on the condition outcome

  • Display or hide a field depending on the condition outcome

  • Specify a default value for a field if there is no existing value (through JSON rule)

Business ScenarioAdd Criteria OptionConfiguration in the IF sectionConfiguration in the Then sectionConfiguration in the Else section
Hide the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date if the Contract Term Type is "Perpetual"

Field Criteria

Field = Contract Term Type

Operator = Equals

Value = Perpetual

Action = Hide

Component = Field

Field = Contract Start Date

Action = Hide

Component = Field

Field = Contract Start Date

On the new contract creation page, disable the Total Contract Value field if the Contract Category is "Others", else enable it

Field Criteria

Field = Contract Category

Operator = Equals

Value = Other

Action = Disable

Component = Field

Field = Total Contract Value

Action = Enable

Component = Field

Field = Total Contract Value

On the contract details page, hide the Payment Terms section for guest users if the total contract value is greater than $10000, else display it

Field Criteria

Field = Total Contract Value

Operator = Greater Than

Value = 10000

Action = Hide

Component = Section

Section = Payment Terms

Action = Show

Component = Section

Section = Payment Terms

User Criteria

Field = Permission Groups 

Operator = Equals

Value = GuestPermissionGroup

On the contract details page, show a message saying "Please note that our company policy allows  a maximum contract term of 36 months for contracts of type "NDA".

Field Criteria

Field = Contract Type 

Operator = Equals

Value = NDA

Action = Show Message

Component = Page Level

Field = Error

Message = Please note that our company policy allows  a maximum contract term of 36 months for contracts of type "NDA

On the contract details page, auto-populated the Notice Period field with "60" if the user selects "Fixed - Manual Inactivate" in the Contract Term Type field.

Field Criteria

Configure a Rule Condition JSON to check the value of Contract Term Type field

Configure a Rule Action JSON to insert "60" in Notice Period field value 


You can configure conditions with a combination of Field Criteria and User Criteria.