After the parties have finalized and signed the contract, you can activate the contract to bring it into effect. Activating a contract record is crucial because it ensures that the system monitors key dates and events and that all in-effect contracts are included in appropriate searches and views. You can activate contracts in two ways, either manually or by setting it to activate automatically.

Manually activating a contract


  • No review cycles are in progress for the contract.
  • Contract documents are reviewed and signed.
  • The status category and status of the contract are respectively, In Signatures | Fully Signed.
  • The start date and end date are provided for the contract if it is of the Fixed Term type or if the administrator has configured them to be mandatory irrespective of term type.
  • Contract End Date is not prior than the activated date. 

To activate a contract manually

  1. On the Contract Detail page, click Activate.
    The contract is activated and the Status Category and Status are updated to In Effect and Activated, respectively. The Activated Date is updated to the date of activation. You can view the Amend, Renew, Expire, and Terminate buttons on the Contract Details page.
  2. From the Available Documents section, select the documents to activate.

    By default, the executed document is selected. Note that any documents not selected for activation are deleted after contract activation.

  3. Click Activate.
  4. Click Done to return to the Contract Details page. 
  5. Click Notify others to send an email notification to stakeholders.
  6. Enter recipients in the To field.
  7. Select an email template from the Email Template pull-down menu.
  8. Preview the email and update its subject and body if required.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Attachments section and unselect the documents that should not be attached to the email.
  10. Click Notify to email a notification to all recipients.

Auto-activation of contracts

The automation process facilitates the seamless transition of contracts from Fully Signed to Activated status, ensuring that emails containing executed documents and other relevant attachments are sent to designated recipients at specified intervals. For auto-activating contracts, administrator must set up the configuration using the /api/config-management/v1/configurations endpoint.

Code Sample

The following sample code enables you to update the configuration values related to auto-activating contracts within the platform. For more information, see Revenue Lifecycle Platform APIs.

	"Category": "clm",
	"Name": "autoactivatecriteriamaps",
	"Value": "[]"

//With criteria and user:
	"Category": "clm",
	"Name": "autoactivatecriteriamaps",
	"Value": "[{\"Criteria\":\"RecordType='Corporate'\",\"Recipients\":[{\"Id\":\"eb57776f-45bd-be90-2437-f60dbae997ab\",\"Name\":\"NjJ\",\"Email\":\"\",\"Type\":\"User\"}]}]"

//With criteria and user group:
	"Category": "clm",
	"Name": "autoactivatecriteriamaps",
	"Value": "[{\"Criteria\":\"RecordType='Corporate'\",\"Recipients\":[{\"Id\":\"ebea769c-0866-406d-a12b-4a4ea8685d30\",\"Name\":\"Nj Group\",\"Email\":\"\",\"Type\":\"UserGroup\"}]}]"

A scheduler runs at specific, pre-defined intervals (for example, 30 minutes, one hour) to check for contracts that meet specific criteria for automatic activation. For example, you want to auto-activate contracts whose status category is In Signatures, status is Fully Signed, and the start date is the current date. When the criteria match the configuration settings, the Configuration Management API automatically moves the contract status category and status to In Effect and Activated respectively. After the contract is activated, an email notification is sent to the user or user group defined in the configuration. The email includes the executed contract document and any other documents attached to the contract. After activation, all documents within the contract (including the executed document) are retained within the system.