This converts a Word document into a PDF document for a standard object. It can be any Word document and does not have to be created using generateDoc or generateSupportingDoc. The protection level applicable to the Word document is not applicable to the PDF document.




webService static Id convertWordDocToPDF2(Id docId, String docFileName, Id sObjectId, String pLevel, Boolean addWatermark, Boolean removeWatermark, String headerText, String footerText, String sessionId, String serverUrl)
Request Parameters
docIdIDThe id of the word document to be converted to PDF.Yes
docFileNameStringThe filename for the newly created PDF.Yes
sObjectIdIdThe id of the standard object.Yes
pLevelStringThe protection level to apply to the document. Valid values are:
  • Full access
  • Insert comments only
  • Insert comments and tracked changes only
  • Read only
  • Fill in form fields only
addWatermarkBooleanIndicates whether a draft watermark should be added to the PDF.Yes
removeWatermarkBooleanIndicates whether a draft watermark on the source word document should be removed from the resulting PDF.Yes
headerTextStringThe header text to append to the document.Yes
footerTextStringThe footer text to append to the document.Yes
sessionIdStringThe Salesforce session id.Yes
serverUrlStringThe Salesforce server URL.Yes

Response Parameter
resultIDThe id of the generated document.

Code Sample

ID docId = 'a0Y61000002K6IR';
String docFileName = 'Agreement';
ID sObjectId = null;
String pLevel = null;
Boolean addWatermark = true;
Boolean removeWatermark = false;
String headerText = 'Agreement Id: 0123456789';
String footerText = 'Date Created: 11/27/2018 7:23:15 PM';
String sessionId = sessionId; //This is the session Id.
String serverUrl = System.Url.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/services/Soap/u/50.0/' + UserInfo.getOrganizationId();

ID ConvertedDocId = Apttus.MergeWebService.convertWordDocToPDF2(docId,docFileName,sObjectId,pLevel,addWatermark,removeWatermark,headerText,footerText,sessionId,serverUrl);

Integration Details

Use the following information in your integrations with Apttus Contract Management Web Services API. For information on how to get started, refer to Integrating Conga CLM with External Systems.

API Prerequisites


Request/Response XML

Example Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mer="">
         <mer:pLevel>Full Access</mer:pLevel>
         <mer:footerText>Copyright 2020</mer:footerText>

Example Response

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns="">