This section provides information on upgrading Conga CLM to the latest version from the previous two releases. 

Regardless of your current Conga CLM version, you can upgrade to the latest version. If you have not installed Conga CLM, you can contact Support to request an installation link, and then perform the standard installation as described in Installing Conga CLM

The Conga Push Upgrade is an automated tool that upgrades packages available in your Salesforce org (Production or Sandbox) to the latest versions. In addition, it ensures all the Conga published managed packages are on the latest versions for the registered orgs. To register your org for push upgrade, see Registering for Conga Upgrade Program.

Preparing for Upgrade

Before you upgrade to Conga CLM February '24, you must ensure the following:

  • You go through Conga CLM on Salesforce Feature by Release to know about the new features, enhancements, and deprecated features in Conga CLM since your existing release. After you upgrade Conga CLM to February '24, you cannot roll back to any previous release.
  • You have System Requirements and Supported Platforms
  • You have access to the Install Center on the Community Portal.
  • You have administrator privileges to your Salesforce org.
  • It is recommended that you back up all your configurations. 

Upgrading to Conga CLM February '24

This section describes step-by-step instructions to upgrade from June '23 and October '23 to February '24.

Upgrading Conga CLM from October '23 to February '24

  1. Go to Setup > Installed Packages and ensure that your current Salesforce org has the following October '23 packages installed. Also, ensure that you have the following packages and dependent packages to upgrade to February '24. These packages are required to utilize the new features and enhancements of February '24.


    October '23

    Upgrade Version (Name | Number)

    February '24

    Upgrade Version (Name | Number)


    Conga Base Library 

    4.2.249 | 4.249

    5.0.255 | 5.255


    Conga Contract Lifecycle Management 

    14.2.723 | 14.723

    15.0.740 | 15.740


    Conga Content Integration

    8.1.0020 | 8.20

    8.1.0020 | 8.20

    Upgrade the following packages if you use DocuSign:


    Conga DocuSign API 

    8.1.142 | 8.142.7

    8.1.142 | 8.142.8


    Conga Contract DocuSign Integration

    5.1.50 | 5.50.5

    5.1.50 | 5.50.5

    Upgrade the following packages if you use Adobe Sign:


    Adobe Sign 

    24.26.3 | 24.26.3

    24.35 | 24.35


    Conga CLM Adobe Sign Integration 

    10.1.73 | 10.73.1

    10.1.73 | 10.73.2
    Upgrade the following packages if you use Conga Sign:


    CongaSign CLM Integration

    1.2.13 | 1.13

    1.2.16 | 1.16

    Install the following package if you sync data between Salesforce and Conga Platform:


    Conga For Salesforce

    1.0.4 | 1.4

    1.0.4 | 1.4
  2. Perform the upgrade. The upgrade procedure is the same as the installation procedure. For detailed information on installing Conga CLM managed packages, see Installing Conga CLM.

Upgrading Conga CLM from June '23 to February '24

  1. Go to Setup > Installed Packages and ensure that your current Salesforce org has the following June '23 packages installed. Also, ensure that you have the following packages and dependent packages to upgrade to February '24. These packages are required to utilize the new features and enhancements of February '24.


    June '23

    Upgrade Version (Name | Number)

    February '24

    Upgrade Version (Name | Number)

    1Conga Base Library 4.1.245 | 4.2455.0.255 | 5.255
    2Conga Contract Lifecycle Management 14.1.709 | 14.709

    15.0.740 | 15.740

    3Conga Content Integration8.1.0020 | | 8.20
    Upgrade the following packages if you use DocuSign:

    4Conga DocuSign API 8.142.5 | | 8.142.8
    5Conga Contract DocuSign Integration5.1.50 | | 5.50.5
    Upgrade the following packages if you use Adobe Sign:

    4Adobe Sign 24.2 | 24.224.35 | 24.35
    5Conga CLM Adobe Sign Integration 10.1.73 | 10.7310.1.73 | 10.73.2

    Upgrade the following packages if you use Conga Sign:

    6CongaSign CLM Integration1.2.6 | 1.6

    1.2.16 | 1.16

    Install the following package if you sync data between Salesforce and Conga Platform:


    Conga For Salesforce


    1.0.4 | 1.4
  2. Perform the upgrade. The upgrade procedure is the same as the installation procedure. For detailed information on installing Conga CLM managed packages, see Installing Conga CLM.

February '24 Upgrade Impact

Upgrading the package to February '24 automatically creates new flows in the org. If custom flows were created for the following workflows in your org. in June'23, you need to deactivate the workflows:

  • Search Field Update
  • Set Agreement Number

To deactivate workflows:

  • In Salesforce Classic, go to Setup > App Setup> Create > Workflow & Approvals > Workflow Rules > Click Deactivate
  • In Salesforce Lighting, go to Setup > Platform Tools > Process Automation > Workflow Rules > Click Deactivate.