Easily delete a user from your Collaborate account. When a user doesn’t need further access to Collaborate, you can delete that user.

To delete a user from your account:

  1. From the Administration view, click Users.
  2. Use the Search Bar or scroll through the user list to find the desired user.
  3. Click on the name of the user you would like to delete.
  4. Click the Remove User button on the top right.
    Things to consider when deleting a user:
    • Deleted users retain their associated usernames and email addresses. If you’d like to assign these to a new user in the future, the deleted user’s credentials must be changed.
    • Deleted users can be restored and will reclaim ownership of any documents that have not been reassigned.
    • Open documents owned by deleted users are still accessible and actionable by recipients.
    • Deleted users will continue to receive email notifications related to any open documents they own. To avoid this and redirect notification emails, you may consider transferring ownership of these documents to an active user.