While Conga Collaborate automatically creates buttons for the Opportunity, Account, Case, Contact, and Lead objects, you can create custom buttons for any object in Salesforce in order to easily launch documents off of that object.

Create custom buttons for any object in Salesforce in order to easily launch documents off of that object.
Note: This article assumes that you have already created a custom lookup relationship between the Collaborate Document object and your launching object. If you haven’t done this, reference this article.

Conga Collaborate automatically creates buttons for the Opportunity, Account, Case, Contact, and Lead objects, but if you want users to have buttons available at the top of their layout to create documents on any other object, you will need to create custom buttons on those objects.

For adding buttons to the Opportunity, Account, Case, Contact, or Lead objects, reference this article.

The two buttons you can add to objects are the New Document button and the Add Existing Document button:

  • A New Document button creates a Conga Collaborate document and links the newly created document to the launching object.
  • An Add Existing Document button attaches a Conga Collaborate Document to a record other than the one from which it was originally created.

To create these buttons in Salesforce Classic:

For a custom object

  1. Enter Salesforce setup by going to Setup → Create → Objects →Your Launching Object.
  2. Navigate to the Buttons, Links, and Actions section.
  3. Click New Button or Link and proceed to Step 1.

For a standard object

  1. Enter Salesforce setup by going to Setup → Customize → Your Launching Object → Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  2. Click New Button or Link and proceed to Step 1.

To create these buttons in Salesforce Lightning

  1. Navigate to Setup.
  2. Click the Object Manager tab.
  3. Search for your object and select it.
  4. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  5. Select New Button or Link.
  6. Continue to Step 1 below.
  1. Assign the Label, Name, and Description for your button. These instructions use two example suggestions for the Label (New Document and Add Existing Document), but you can name the button whatever you want.
    • Label: the text a user will see on the button.
    • Name: automatically populated with text from the Label field as soon as you click out of the Label field. This can be customized if desired.
    • Description: a note for other Salesforce Admins about what this button does.
  2. Set Display Type to Detail Page Button.
  3. Set Behavior to Display in existing window without sidebar.
  4. Set Content Source to URL.
  5. Input the following text into the editor, replacing LAUNCHING_OBJECT with the object you’re launching from (for example, Quote):
    • For the New Document button: /apex/tinderbox__create_document?sObjectType=LAUNCHING_OBJECT&recordId={!LAUNCHING_OBJECT.Id}
    • For the Add Existing Document button: /apex/tinderbox__add_document?sObjectType=LAUNCHING_OBJECT&recordId={!LAUNCHING_OBJECT.Id}
  6. Click Save.