Get Started with Document Creation. Create, customize, share, track, and close a Conga Collaborate document.

Create a Collaborate Document

Create your first document from your Collaborate org in standalone mode. In a later step, you wull integrate Collaborate with your CRM, but we suggest you go through these steps first to give yourself an introduction to the document lifecycle.

To create a document, take the following steps:

  1. From the Dashboard, clickCreateand then select Proposal.
  2. Select Start with a template in the pop up menu.
  3. Choose your starting template, or select Start with a blank proposal instead.
  4. Click Create.

Customize a Collaborate Document

To customize your document, take the following steps:

  1. Open the Properties panel on the right side of your screen, and click the Metadata tab. Fill in all the fields in the tab.
  2. Click back on your proposal page to customize specific content using the online Editor.
  3. Enable the Previewbutton for a preview of how your content will look after you publish it.

Note: As an admin, you can control which users have access to make edits in documents and which pages are editable.

Share a Collaborate Document

To share your document, take the following steps:

  1. Under Next Steps on the right side of your screen, go to Properties and click Publish Now.
  2. Click Add People under Step 2. Enter your recipient's first name, last name, and email address, and then click Add Another Recipient until all of your recipients are added. We recommend adding yourself a test recipient. When all your recipients are added, click Next.
  3. Click Send Email Now.
  4. Click the Include all recipients link under the first input box, or click the input box and select your recipient(s).
  5. Enter an email message or use the default, and click Send.Collaborate sends an email on your behalf with a link for your recipient(s) to view the document.

Track a Collaborate Document

Tracking Report statistics are available once your recipients interact with the document. To view the tracking report, take the following steps:

  1. From your document, go to Next Steps on the right side of your screen and click View > Tracking.
  2. Click the View Full Report button to see who viewed the document and where they spent their time.

Look for Text and Email Notifications as prospects open and engage with your documents. Notifications are based on each user's notification preferences as configured in their User Profile.

Close with Collaborate eSignature Options
Conga Collaborate offers the following eSignature integrations: