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Conga Drive Configuration

The Conga Drive system can store your documents as templates for use with Composer and CPQ systems. Your templates will need to be created on your local machine, see Creating Composer Templates for more information.

  • Conga Drive supports the following file types: PDF, .doc, .docx, .xls, .pptx, .ppt, html.
    • Note: PPTX and PPT templates cannot be previewed.
  • Maximum Template size: 28MB.
  • Maximum File size: 200MB.

Using Conga Drive

My Files

  1. In the Apps menu under the Shared Apps section, select Conga Drive. Under My Files you will see name, type, size, created date and sharing status of all stored documents.

    The sharing status defaults to Public. Private status is not available at this time.

  2. Click Upload to drag and drop or use the browse files action to store your files.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select multiple files and export the information listed as CSV or Excel files.
  4. Click the icon for the following options:
    1. Preview - Opens the document as a preview window for review, or to print or download the template.
    2. Download - Downloads the template to your local machine.
    3. Delete - Removes the Template from storage and deletes the template record.
    4. Copy Template ID - Copies the ID of the template record to your machines local clipboard.

Conga Templates

  1. In the Apps menu under the Shared Apps section, select Conga Drive. Under Conga Templates, you will see your list of stored Composer Templates. Each template record displays the template type, file type, status, sharing rules and the last updated date.

    The sharing status defaults to Public. Private status is not available at this time.

  2. Use the Search function to find a particular uploaded template record.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select multiple files and export the information listed as CSV or Excel files.
  4. Click the icon for the following options:
    1. Preview - Opens the document as a preview window for review, or to print or download the template.
    2. Download - Downloads the template to your local machine.
    3. Delete - Removes the Template from storage and deletes the template record.
    4. Copy Template ID - Copies the ID of the template record to your machines local clipboard.
  5. Click the template name to open the Preview window. Select Settings to see the description, File ID, File type, etc.
  6. Under Settings, you may also select the fields option, which displays a list of all the associated merged fields within the template.

Creating a Template Record

Creating a Template Record

  1. To create a new template, click New Template and select X-Author to create an X-Author template, or select Composer or HTML Editor for Composer templates.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Fill out the Template Name field. Optionally, give your template a description. Click Next.
  4. Drag and drop or click upload your Composer template. Click Next.
  5. Click the drop-down next to Save Template for the following options:
    1. Edit Template - Downloads the template to your local machine in order to make changes to the document.
    2. Merge Field Lookup - Opens the Merge Field Lookup UI in a new tab. For more details, refer to Creating Platform Templates.
    3. Upload Template - Uploads your local template after updates have been made.
    4. Delete Template - Removes the Template from storage and deletes the template record.
  6. Click Save Template to confirm any changes made to the template record.