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Convert Non-OAuth Buttons to OAuth

Composer buttons that do not use OAuth security (Open Authorization) must be converted to OAuth buttons in order to work in Salesforce Lightning.

How Do I Know if My Composer Buttons Need to be Converted?

  1. Navigate to the button in question and view the URL. If the button was created using Solution Manager in Conga Composer Release 8, you can view the URL by navigating to the Solution record in the Conga Solutions tab. If not, you can view the button URL in Salesforce Setup or by launching the button and generating a Debug URL from the Composer user interface.
  2. If the first three lines of your URL look like the one below, it is a Non-OAuth button and needs to be converted.
  3. If the first line of the URL looks like the one below, the button does NOT need to be converted.


Convert to an OAuth Button

To convert your Non-OAuth button to an OAuth button, follow the steps below.

  1. Copy the following URL: /apex/APXTConga4__Conga_Composer?serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_370}&id=
  2. Navigate to your button in Salesforce SetupCustomize → Master Object (i.e. Account) → Buttons, Links, and Actions
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Replace the first four lines of your button URL with the three lines you just copied above. A quick way to do this is to highlight the first four lines of the URL, right click, and select Paste.

  5. In the third line of the URL, enter the ID of your Master Object (i.e. the object on which the button was built, such as Account, Opportunity, Contact, etc.). You can do this using the Insert Merge Field option.

    For a button built on the Account object, the first three lines of the URL would look like this: /apex/APXTConga4__Conga_Composer?serverUrl={!API.Partner_Server_URL_370}&id={!Account.Id}
  6. Click Save to save the updated URL.

Configure Composer as a Connected App

Now you need to configure Composer as a Connected App to complete the process of converting to OAuth buttons.

Follow the steps below to do so.

  1. Navigate to Connected Apps in Salesforce Setup.
  2. Click Edit next to Conga Composer.
  3. Under OAuth policies, select Admin approved users are pre-authorized.

  4. Click Save.
    This will return you to the Connected Apps page.
  5. Lastly, designate who can connect to Conga Composer via OAuth by adding Profiles or Permission Sets. To do so, click back into Conga Composer from the Connected Apps screen (by clicking Edit again), scroll down, and click Manage Profiles or Manage Permission Sets and then add the necessary Profiles or Permission Sets.

Users who have been pre-approved by the admin can now launch Composer OAuth buttons. Users who have not will be denied access.

Note: To use Composer OAuth buttons, users must have APXTConga4.Conga_Composer Visualforce page added in their profile's Enabled Visualforce Page Access section. If this is not included, they will get an Insufficient Privileges error.