Using Composer for Salesforce1 is simple and streamlined.
To run a Composer for Salesforce1 Solution:
From a desired Master object record, tap the Conga Composer action at the bottom of the screen.
The buttons available for Salesforce1 for that Master Object appear.
Tap or select a button to run the solution.
Note: If an expected button does not appear in the list, ensure that the solution uses a supported DS7 value and includes the Salesforce1 parameter (&SF1=1).
Depending on the configuration of the solution, there may be a document to view and download once the process has completed.
Note: To save the document to the device, open the document in a new browser and then save as desired. Users must launch a Composer button with an OAuth base URL in the standard Salesforce user interface before launching it in Salesforce Mobile. This establishes the OAuth connection that allows users to launch the Composer button in Salesforce Mobile.