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Automate a Global Merge Solution with Conga Batch

As with any other Conga Composer solution, a Conga Global Merge solution can be scheduled to run automatically using

Conga Batch

, an optional, paid add-on to Conga Composer.

First, create your Global Merge solution and ensure it works just the way you want. Note the solution must be compatible with Background Mode (but not necessarily in Background Mode) in order to automate with Conga Batch. This means you must pre-select the merge template(s) as well as the desired delivery method (download, email, etc.).

To automate a Global Merge Solution with Conga Batch

  1. Install Conga Batch (if you have not already).
  2. Navigate to the Conga Batches tab.
  3. Click New.
  4. Name your solution (we recommend using the same name as your Global Merge solution - i.e. Sales Pipeline Report or Quarterly Business Review).
  5. Click Save.

  6. Next, navigate to the Global Merge record you want to automate and copy the record id from the address bar (the last fifteen characters of the URL).
  7. Paste the Global Merge record id into the Record ID field on the Conga Batch record you just created and click Save.

  8. Click Formula Builder.

  9. Conga Global Merge will populate as the Master Object. Select the desired Output Mode (this will append the corresponding QMode to the formula. field).

  10. Next, select the button from the Name drop-down list (this is the name of the Global Merge solution - see below). The converted formula will display.

  11. Click Create Field (see below).

  12. A success message will display. Click Yes on the success message to update the Conga Batch record with the API Name of the newly created formula field (as in the screenshot below).

  13. Click OK.
  14. Lastly, ensure the formula field is visible to you and any other user who might run this Conga Batch solution. To do so, return to the Formula Builder and click Edit Field level Security.
  15. Check the Visible box next to all of the Profiles of users who need to run the Conga Batch solution (below).

  16. Click Save and close the tab.
  17. We recommend testing your solution before you schedule it. To do so, click Launch from the Conga Batch record.

  18. Click Start in the Conga Batch window that opens.

  19. Ensure your Global Merge solution runs and delivers the document(s) as expected. You can review the results and any error messages on the Conga Batch Dashboard tab.
  20. (Optional) The final step is to schedule the Conga Batch solution on whatever recurring intervals you prefer. To do so, follow the steps in Schedule Conga Batch to Run Automatically.

That's it - you have automated a Global Merge solution using Conga Batch.