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Object reference is not set to an instance of an object (Release 8)

Related to a bad merge field or mismatching TableStart and TableEnd merge fields in a detail region.

What to Do

A good start is to remove paragraphs (or entire pages for larger templates) and repeat the merge until you find the issue. Then you can correct the merge field or detail region causing the problem.

For example, you may receive the error message if the TableStart and TableEnd merge fields are not in the same row of the detail region. The correct usage of TableStart and TableEnd merge fields is shown below.

You may also receive the error message if data with double quotes is being merged into an IF statement in a Microsoft Word template.

What to Do

  1. Remove the double quotes from the field.
  2. Create a new formula field or DV0 parameter and reference the value of the existing field in a Salesforce SUBSTITUTE formula to remove all double quotes from the field value. Then reference the new formula field or DV0 parameter within the IF statement.

Conga Conductor and Conga Workflow Release 8

For Conga Conductor and Conga Workflow, this error message is most commonly caused by field level security issues with the formula field that contains the Conga Conductor or Conga Workflow formula.

What to Do

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Security Controls > Field Accessibility.
  2. Select the object on which the field exists, select View Fields, and then select the field.
  3. Lastly, select the Profile of the user running the Conductor solution (or the Profile of the User to Send as user for Workflow) and ensure that Profile has visibility to the formula field.