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Launch Conga Batch from a Button on an Object Page Layout

Typically, Conga Batch executes a batch of records determined by either a Salesforce report, a SOQL query, or a Salesforce List View. There is another way to execute Conga Batch – from a button on an object page layout.


Launching Conga Batch from a button on an Object Page layout is an advanced solution provided for advanced users. Support is limited.

Typically, Conga Batch executes a batch of records determined by either a Salesforce report, a SOQL query, or a Salesforce List View. There is another way to execute Conga Batch – from a button on an object page layout.

The benefit of launching Conga Batch in this manner is that the records in the batch are determined by either a Salesforce report or SOQL query, filtered by dynamically passing a value from the Master Object (the object on which the Conga Batch button is placed) to the Report or query. Therefore, the Conga Batch batch is executed against a batch of records that are related to the Master Object. Furthermore, this method provides an easy way for end users to execute a batch of records without having to give them access to the Conga Batch object or a Conga Batch List View button.

To launch Conga Batch from a button on an object page layout:

  1. Build a custom button on your desired Master Object.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Build → Customize → [select object] → Buttons, Links, and Actions → New Button or Link.
  3. Click the New Button or Link button.
  4. Enter a Label and select either “Detail Page Button” or “Detail Page Link” as the Display Type.

    The Behavior is “Display in new window” and the Content Source is “URL.”

  5. Paste the following URL into the button or link URL field:
  6. Enter the API name of your Conga Batch formula field as the value for the &URLFieldName parameter.
  7. Ensure your Conga Batch formula field includes, at minimum, the &TemplateID and &QMode parameters with appropriate values. Depending on the QMode selected, additional parameters may be required. If you wish solely to send an email and do not want to generate a document, use &CongaEmailTemplateID (and other required email parameters) in place of &TemplateID.
  8. Add the &ReportID or &QueryID parameter to the button URL.

  9. Paste the appropriate report ID or query ID as the value for the parameter entered in the previous step.

    This report or query determines which records are included in your Conga Batch batch. For example, you may use a report that retrieves the Products (from the Pricebook) associated to your Master Object of Opportunity.

  10. Enter “?pv0=” after the Report ID or query ID value, followed by the value by which you want to filter the Report or query. The “?pv0=” instructs Conga Batch to dynamically (without manual user intervention) pass a value to the specified Report or query.

    The value entered after “?pv0=” is passed to the first filter of the Report or query and is some value from the Master Object, typically the record ID.

    This method ensures that the records in the Conga Batch batch launched from this button are related to the Master Object record.


    In Lightning, ensure Conga Schedule is set up as a connected app, and remove the session ID:
  11. Add the button to the appropriate Master Object page layout(s).
  12. Navigate to Setup > Build > Customize > [select object] > Page Layouts > Edit.
  13. Test your solution thoroughly.
  14. Launch Conga Batch from a Master Object record.