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Add a Merge Field to a PowerPoint Template

To add a merge field to a PowerPoint template:

  1. In PowerPoint, create or open a presentation to use as your template.
  2. Open the Template Builder window. Locate the field you’d like to use and copy it to the clipboard.
  3. In PowerPoint, navigate to the location on the template where you want to add the merge field and clickInsert > Text Box . Best practice suggests putting each merge field in its own text box. You may also use Shapes (Rectangles, Circles, etc.) WordArt, or Click-Here Placeholders as merge fields.
  4. Name the field by following this convention:

    {{FieldName}} where FieldName is the field name that you copied to the clipboard from Template Builder.

  5. Position the merge field.

    This field naming convention works for fields from the Master, Org, or User datasets. To reference fields in a ReportData or QueryData dataset, you may use the “format” naming convention or a Detail Region. Don’t include new line characters within a merge field.