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Best Practices: Report Naming Conventions

When naming reports created for use with Conga Composer, we suggest you adopt this naming convention.

Note: While Salesforce Reports are useful to gather data for Composer solutions, it is highly recommended to use Conga Queries due to better data gathering performance, versatility, and stability.

When naming reports created for use with Conga Composer, we suggest you adopt a naming convention that reflects:

  • The Master object for the Conga Composer solution the report is intended to support
  • The name of the button or link to which the report belongs (Account Plan, Custom Invoice, etc.)
  • The Report Alias – a description of the data being retrieved
  • The Salesforce report type – to save space in the report name, this can be listed in the report’s description field
In the example below, four Salesforce reports called from a Conga Composer solution titled Executive Brief on a Contact page layout might be named as follows (note the Report Alias in brackets):

The Executive Brief button URL then looks as follows:

By following this guidance, you will find it much easier to locate the Salesforce report responsible for the dataset revealed on the Template Builder window.