Category: Activity Logging Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: MFTS2

Parameter Value: [API Name of Field to Update]

Parameter Requirements: MFTSValue2 and UF0

Parameter Description:

  • MFTS2 (Master Field to Set) determines the field that is updated when the Composer solution runs. The value is the API name of the field to update.
  • UF0 parameter must be included.
  • MFTSValue2 parameter defines the value that will be used to update the field.

Composer allows you to set up to three different fields when a solution runs. You can increment the MFTS and MFTSValue parameters to update additional fields. See MFTS0, MFTSValue0, MFTS1, and MFTSValue1.

If you have a checkbox on your object that you want to set to True when Composer runs, set the value of the MFTSValue parameter to TRUE.

Master Field to Set does not work with Global Merge Solutions.


Update the Member_Status__c field with a value of “Patron”, set the Document_Generated__c field to True, and TrackingNumber__c field to XYZ200ABCD every time the Composer solution runs:
