Conga Composer integrates with Conga Sign, allowing you to generate and send documents for eSignature using all the features of Conga Sign. For more information about Conga Sign, refer to the Conga Sign documentation.

This topic provides the use case for generating a document and sending for eSignature using Conga Sign.

This use case gives one example of how to generate a quote using the Composer button and send it for eSignature. You can use this feature to generate other documents to send for electronic signature. Talk with your administrator to configure Composer solutions to suit your business need.

For example, if the administrator wants you (as a sales representative) to be able to generate a quote from an opportunity record and send it for eSignature, the administrator creates a Composer solution with Conga Sign parameters and places the button on the page layout of the opportunity object. When you click the button, it generates the document and sends it to the recipient for eSignature.

The administrator can configure the solution in the following ways as per the business use case:

  • Provide selections, such as which template to use for the final merged files or other options to streamline the process, along with the Conga Sign UI.

  • Run the composer solution in background mode, which means the document is generated behind the scenes, according to the predetermined output method with either:
    • Conga Sign UI is provided, enabling the use of Conga Sign features before the document is sent to the user, or
    • A document is sent directly to the user for eSignature.

The administrator has created a Sign Quote button on the opportunity object that allows you to generate the document in background mode and use the Conga Sign options before sending it for eSignature.

To generate a document and send it for eSignature

  1. Click the App Icon (); then search and select Opportunities.
  2. Click the desired opportunity from the list.
  3. Click the Sign Quote button. The quote document is generated for the selected opportunity, and you are redirected to the Conga Sign UI.
    Refer to the following topics for more information on Conga Sign UI options:
  4. Click Send.

The quote document is sent to the user for signature. When the user signs the document, the opportunity record is updated according to your configuration.