Category: Adobe eSign Integration Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: ESCustomField

Parameter Value: [Salesforce API name of the field on the Adobe eSign Agreement Object]

Parameter Requirements: ESVisible and ESCustomFieldValue

Parameter Description: ESCustomField sets the name of a custom field to set on the Adobe eSign Agreement Record created through the merge process.

Use the Salesforce API name of the field on the Adobe eSign Agreement Object.

This parameter is designed to be used for those Adobe eSign Agreement fields that do not have their own corresponding Conga Composer parameter.

You can use a total of 12 Adobe eSign custom fields and values with the format ESCustomField, ESCustomField1, ESCustomField2, ... ESCustomField10, ESCustomField11.

When using a custom field referencing a Contract created by a deactivated user, you will encounter an "Issue Processing Composer Request" error. 

