Due to a recent change to the way Salesforce exports reports, you may experience unexpected behavior when merging data from formula fields retrieved by Salesforce reports.

How do I know if I am affected?

In your output document, you may see affected merge fields display "&amp" or "&quot" etc. as the merged value. This is due to the change referenced above.

How do I fix it?

Add an HTML prefix to all formula fields. To do so, follow the steps below.

If using traditional merge fields, such as <<MergeField>>, do the following:

  1. Toggle the merge field open by right-clicking on the merge field and selecting Toggle Field Codes.
  2. Modify the merge field to include HTML: as a prefix to the field name. For example, a custom formula field for the SLA Plan would need to be modified as follows (in bold): { MERGEFIELD HTML:SLA_PLAN \* MERGEFORMAT }

If using text-based merge fields, such as {{Merge_Field}}, do the following:

  • Modify the merge field to include HTML: as a prefix to the field name. For example, a custom formula field for the SLA Plan would need to be modified as follows (in bold): {{HTML:SLA_Plan}}

For more information about this change, visit https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewSolution?id=000239661&language=en_US.