If your layout includes multiple tabs with detailed views, you can control the visibility of each tab by applying rules.
Example Scenario: Consider a layout with two tabs: "Main Details" and "Terms & Renewals." Define the rule criteria as follows:

  • If the contract name in the "Main Details" tab is "Conga," the "Terms & Renewals" tab will be hidden.
  • If the contract name is anything other than "Conga," the "Terms & Renewals" tab will be visible.

This section explains how to manage rules for showing or hiding tabs. The steps provided use the example scenario above for better understanding.

To add rules for showing or hiding tabs using the rule editor UI

  1. Log in to the Conga Platform as an admin user.
  2. Click the App Launcher () icon from the top-left corner > Apps > CX Studio.
  3. Go to the multi tab layout and click the Edit Page button from the top right corner.
  4. Click the tab you want to control visibility.

  5. Double click on the Tab Group region (i.e. parent of tab).

  6. Go to Properties window and click Rules tab.
  7. Click Add Rule. Enter the Name and Description in the the New Rule window, and click Save.
  8. Click the Advanced Rule Edit. The Rule UI Editor appears. Select the rule from the dropdown list and update the criteria as needed.

  9. Click Save and, then Publish.

Behavior and Best Practices

  • When editing a rule, first select the appropriate tab, then click on the Tab Group region. If you choose a rule from a different tab, the fields from that tab will not appear in the Advanced Rule Edit UI.
  • In a multiple tabs layout, rules apply only to the tab that is currently active. For instance, rules configured for Tab 1 will execute only when Tab 1 is selected. Similarly, rules for Tab 2 will execute only when Tab 2 is selected.
  • Each tab requires separate configuration for fields. For instance, if both Tab-1 and Tab-2 include the fields Contract Name, Renewal Consent, and Source, you must set up individual rules for each tab.

    • Tab-1: If Contract Name is set to "Conga," hide the Source field and keep the Renewal Consent field visible.
    • Tab-2: If Contract Name is set to "Conga," hide both the Source and Renewal Consent fields.