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Resetting User Passwords

One program user can be designated as the person responsible for resetting user passwords by adding the email address of a System Administrator in the Forgot Password Email Address field under Admin > System Settings. The responsible person receives an email message from with a Reset Password subject line each time a person clicks the Forgot Password link in the Login screen. The person responsible for resetting user passwords is identified by making a selection in the Forgot Password Email Address list in the System Settings screen.

  1. In the system email message, identify the user that needs their password reset.
  2. In Conga Contracts, open their User Profile, click Edit, and populate the Password and Confirm Password fields with a temporary password that meets your company's password restrictions.
  3. Select the Force Password Change check box.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the second system email message, click the user's login link to open a message window.
  6. In the message window, provide the user with their temporary password.
  7. Click Send.