Resetting User Passwords
One program user can be designated as the person responsible for resetting user passwords by adding the email address of a System Administrator in the Forgot Password Email Address field under with a Reset Password subject line each time a person clicks the Forgot Password link in the Login screen. The person responsible for resetting user passwords is identified by making a selection in the Forgot Password Email Address list in the System Settings screen.
. The responsible person receives an email message from- In the system email message, identify the user that needs their password reset.
- In Conga Contracts, open their User Profile, click Edit, and populate the Password and Confirm Password fields with a temporary password that meets your company's password restrictions.
- Select the Force Password Change check box.
- Click Save.
- In the second system email message, click the user's login link to open a message window.
- In the message window, provide the user with their temporary password.
- Click Send.