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Set Up Conga Contracts with Conga Contracts Quickstart

Conga Contracts Quickstart

Conga Contracts Quickstart is an optional add-on to Contracts for Salesforce to enable subscribers to quickly set up an integration between Conga Contracts for Salesforce and Conga Contracts.

When installed, the following components are automatically created:

  • A set of minimum required fields needed to sync Accounts and Contracts.
  • A checkbox on the ContentVersion object to indicate if a Salesforce file should be stored on the Conga Contracts Suite.
  • A custom content download handler Apex class for downloading Salesforce files stored on the Conga Contracts Suite.
  • Conga Contracts Quickstart permission set to conveniently provide users access to the installed components.
  • A Send Request custom button that delivers contract requests to Conga Contracts. The button must be added to the Contracts page layout.

The Conga Contracts Quickstart is an unmanaged package. Components exist natively on the subscriber Org so that subscribers have full access to the components.

Follow the steps below to setup Contracts for Salesforce with Conga Contracts Quickstart.

Set Up Conga Contracts with Conga Contracts Quickstart

  1. Install the Conga Contracts Quickstart installed package:
  2. In Salesforce Setup, use the Quick Find search function to access Remote Site Settings.
    • In Remote Site Settings, click Edit on the listed Remote Sites below, check the Active checkbox field, and click Save.Conga_Platform_File_Service_NA and Conga_Platform_NA.
      • Ensure that you follow these instructions for the appropriate remote site that match your region. For example, if you are located in Ireland, ensure that the Conga_Platform_File_Service_EU is checked to Active.
  3. In Salesforce Setup, use the Quick Find search function to navigate to Permission Sets.
    • Click the Conga Contracts QuickStart Permission Set.
    • Click Manage Assignments and add your Conga Contracts users by selecting them with the Add Assignments button.
    • Navigate back to Permissions Set and assign the Conga Redlining Permission Set to the appropriate users.
  4. Navigate to the Conga Contracts Lightning App and click Conga Contracts Setup.
    • In Conga Contracts Setup, click General under the Platforms section.
    • Toggle the Use External File Storage button to checked and then click Save.
    • Under the Platform section of Conga Contracts Setup, click Connections.
    • Click New External Connection.
    • Fill out the Friendly Name field (the entered value names the connection to the Conga Contracts platform) and choose Conga Contracts for the System field.
    • Click Generate Code and copy the produced code.
  5. In a different browser tab, login to your Conga Contracts instance.
    • Click the Admin gear wheel icon and select System Settings.
    • Click Conga Platform Settings and then click Click here to connect to the Conga Platform.
    • Click Allow in the browser tab that opens up and then close the browser after the connection is verified.
    • Refresh the browser and navigate back to Conga Platform Settings.
    • Enter in a Friendly Name and the access code from Salesforce, then click Connect.
  6. Navigate back to Conga Contracts Setup in Salesforce.
    • Click Connections under the Platforms section and click Connect.
    • You will now see a successful connection in the External Connections section of Connections.
  7. In the Conga Contracts Lightning App, click Conga Contracts Quickstart Setup.
    • Click Create Default Mappings.
  8. Navigate to Conga Contracts Setup.
    • Under the Platform section, toggle open the name of your connection (it will appear as the friendly name entered in the previous step) and click Object Mapping.
    • Next to each object, click the dropdown arrow and select Edit.
    • Check the Enable Mapping checkbox and then click Save. Repeat this step for each object that will be mapped to the Conga Contracts platform. Additional Conga Contracts Setup

After completing the initial Conga Contracts Setup with Conga Contracts Quickstart, follow the steps below to complete the configuration for the Account and Contract objects.

Add the Sync Lightning Component

  1. Navigate to an Account record in Lightning.
  2. Click the Setup gear wheel and then select Edit Page.
  3. On the left-hand side menu, navigate to the Custom - Managed section and drag over the Sync Status Lightning Component into the Lightning page layout.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat the previous steps for the Contract object. Add required fields to the account page layout
  6. Navigate to the Object Manager in Salesforce Setup and select the Account object.
  7. Click Page Layouts and select the specific page layout that Conga Contracts users are assigned.
  8. (optional) In the Fields section of page layout options, drag the Section item onto the page layout. This creates a new section to place Conga Contracts fields on the Account page layout.
    • Enter a value for the Section Name, such as Conga Contracts Fields, then click OK.
  9. Drag and drop the following fields into the new section or elsewhere on the page layout
    • Conga Contracts Counterparty, Conga Contracts Counterparty Group, Conga Contracts Counterparty Status, Conga Platform Exclude
  10. Click Save. Add required fields to the Contract page layout
  11. Navigate to the Object Manager in Salesforce Setup and select the Contract object.
  12. Click Page Layouts and select the specific page layout that Conga Contracts users are assigned.
  13. (optional) In the Fields section of page layout options, drag the Section item onto the page layout. This creates a new section to place Conga Contracts fields on the Contract page layout.
  14. Drag and drop the following fields into the new section or elsewhere on the page layout.
    • Conga Contracts Agreement Type, Conga Contracts Approval Required, Conga Contracts Group, Conga Contracts Legal Entity, Conga Contracts Status, Conga Contracts Term Type, Conga Contracts Type, Conga Platform Exclude.
  15. Click Save.