Prior to creating a scorecard, a user with the Scorecard Admin permission must create an Answer Profile containing the possible answers to scorecard questions, and at least one Scorecard Component. A Scorecard Component consists of the categories and questions included in the scorecard.

A scorecard component is composed of:

  • Category - a classification that defines a rating factor for your companies, contracts, and projects, such as Product Quality, Customer Service, and Deliveries.
  • Questions - one or more questions or statements in a scorecard category, whose purpose is to solicit user feedback on the rating factors for your companies, contracts, and projects. Each scorecard question or statement is rated on a response scale from 1-5, which is defined in a Scorecard Answer Profile.
    Important: Scorecards, Scorecard Questions, and Scorecard Categories are all assigned values or weights. In order to obtain accurate results, the total weight of the questions in a category must be equal the category weight (Category Weight = Combined Weight of Questions in Category). Similarly, the weight of the scorecard must equal the combined weight of all the categories in the scorecard (Scorecard Weight = Combined Weight of Categories in Scorecard). For example, if a scorecard contains two component categories and the scorecard weight must equal 100, equally weighting both categories at 50 is an option. If there are five questions in each component category (a total of 10 questions in the scorecard), and if each question is equally important, then each question should be assigned a weight of 10 to bring the total scorecard weight to 100.
  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Scorecards link.
  2. In the Scorecards menu, click Scorecard Components.
  3. In the Scorecard Components browse screen, click New Category in the toolbar.
  4. In the Scorecard Component Administration screen, provide basic information for the category:
    • Enter a name for the category in the Category Name field.
    • Enter a description in the Category Description field.
    • Assign a numerical weight for the category in the Category Default Weight field. This default weight should equal the sum of the weights of all the questions you add to the category.
    • Make a selection in the Scorecard Answer Profile list, depending on the type of answers you want displayed when a user competes a scorecard.
  5. Add one or more questions to the category:
    • Click New Question in the toolbar of the My Questions and Categories section. Responses to scorecard questions use a rating system of 1-5. If the questions in a category equate an affirmative response, such as Always, with a high number (5) and a negative response, such as Never, with a low number (1), the questions should be worded so that eliciting affirmative responses will generate higher scores, and therefore, yield accurate results.
  6. In the Scorecard Question dialog box:
    • Enter a question (or statement) in the Question Text field, which is designed to rate performance or quality in this category.
    • Enter information that will assist the user in answering the question in the Question Description field.
    • Assign a numerical weight for the question in the Question Weight field.
    • Click Save.
  7. (Optional) Add an existing category, and all its questions, to the new category by clicking on it in the Categories section, and then dragging-and-dropping it into the My Questions and Categories section.
  8. Click Save.