A user with the Workflow Admin permission can edit a routing table by changing its name, description, and how it is categorized. The Workflow Admin can add and delete approvers, edit an approver's description and user functions, as well as change the order in which approvals are obtained. The Admin can also update the restrictions to control how the routing table is used in a workflow.

A routing table works in conjunction with a workflow template and a workflow team in the Workflow Wizard.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click Routing Tables.
  2. In the Routing Tables browse screen, locate the table you want to edit, and click on it to select it.
  3. In the Routing Tables Edit screen, you can edit:
    • Name, Category, and Description fields to clarify the use of the routing table when users run the Workflow Wizard.
    • Routing Table Behavior by changing the selection to Standard, Parallel, or Parallel Single to update the way Conga Contracts handles Gateway steps for the routing table.
    • Approvers in the routing table, which include:
      • Adding and/or deleting approvers.

      • Reordering approvers in the list.

      • Editing approver descriptions.

      • Updating the user function(s) required for an approver.

      • Restrictions for the routing table.

For more information, see Adding a Routing Table.