A user with the Scorecard Admin permission can edit a scorecard component by changing the name of the scorecard category, editing its description, and re-weighting the value of the category. The Scorecard Admin can also add, edit, re-weight, reorder, and delete questions (or statements) in any category.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Scorecards link.
  2. In the Scorecards menu, click Scorecard Components.
  3. In the Scorecard Components browse screen, locate the component you want to edit, and click it to select it.
  4. In the Scorecard Component Administration screen, you can edit:
    • Basic information for the scorecard component.
    • Questions, including the wording, as well as adding and deleting questions.
    • To reorder a question, click on it, and then drag-and-drop it upwards or downwards. You are successfully moving the question if the selected row message displays.

    • (Optional) My Questions and Categories section by dragging-and-dropping a Category into or out of the section.

  5. Click Save.

For more information, see Adding a Scorecard Component.