A list of available Action Types. An Action Type performs the following actions based on the defined Conditions of a Profile Rule. Multiple Actions may be defined within a Profile Rule, as long as they do not logically conflict with each other.

An Action Type performs the following actions based on the defined Conditions of a Profile Rule. Multiple Actions may be defined within a Profile Rule, as long as they do not logically conflict with each other. The available Action Types are:

  • Default Value defaults the value of the named field to the value defined in the Value column the first time the Profile record is opened. Once a different selection is made, the Action is ignored and the new selection will remain.
  • Force Value forces the value of a named field to the value defined in the Value column. This Action Type does not allow the field to be overwritten. The Profile Rule forces the value to the named value each time the Profile record is opened, even if the User changes the value. Changes are not saved.
  • Calculate Field calculates a date or cost in a Contract, Company, or Project Profile screen or an additional form using the Formula Editor window.
  • Enable Field allows a field to be edited. This assumes that the field was disabled via another Profile Rule.
  • Disable Field allows the User to see field and the value selected in the field, but grays it out so that a User may not edit it.
  • Require Field places a red outline around a field and requires a User to enter a field value in order to save the Profile record.
  • Un-require Field removes a field requirement. This assumes the field is defined as required in the Field Properties Panel or in another defined Profile Rule.
  • Replace Responsibility The replace responsibility rule will do two basic things: replace any existing responsible parties and if there are no responsibilities of that type on the profile it will add them. The replacement will overwrite an existing person assigned to a specific responsibility type with another person of that same responsibility type If there is no person of a certain responsibility type then the rule will add that person and assign them to that type.
  • Hide Field removes the field from visibility to the end User, as opposed to Disable Field, which simply grays it out.
  • Un-hide Field reveals the field, making it visible to the end User. This assumes that the field was hidden via another Profile Rule.
  • Four more values are available for Profile Rules within Requests:
  • Hide Dynamic Object removes the Additional Form from visibility to the end User. This assumes the Additional Form Available checkbox is checked on the Request Template.
  • Un-hide Dynamic Object reveals the Additional Form, making it visible to the end User. This assumes the Additional Form Available checkbox is checked on the Request Template and was hidden via another Profile Rule.
  • Hide Request removes the Request Form from visibility to the end User. This assumes the Request Bundle contains more than one Request.
  • Un-hide Request reveals the Request Form, making it visible to the end User. This assumes that the Request Form was hidden via another Profile Rule.