Hover-overs and quick tips assist users in populating fields in program screens.

Administrators can help users in populating a system field, or an additional field, in a Company or Contract Profile screen, as well as any of their linked Profile screens. The Quick Tip option in the List Administration screen is used to provide help for a system or additional field.

When an Administrator provides a quick tip for a system or additional field, the ? icon displays to the left of the field. When the user "hovers over" the field, a superscript window displays with information or instruction for populating the field.

The Contract (Bundle) Description field in a request type template is used to provide a quick tip during the contract request process. When a user initiates a contract request and hovers over the Description field in the Request screen, the quick tip assists the user in correctly populating the field. The information the user enters into the Description field is transferred to the Contract Description field in the Contract Profile once the contract request is approved and the profile is created.