NQL is a subset of SQL that is used to write queries in the API. All NQL queries are select queries, so a query such as "select * from Company where name=AAA Software Company" does not need the beginning part and would be written as "name=AAA Software Company." Each object has its own set of fields that can be queried against; these fields are listed below in their respective objects. Objects that support dynamic additional fields (Company, Contract, DynamicForm) can also query against these additional fields. For more information about the fields' contents, see the section for the object description. NQL supports the SQL comparison operators (=, <, >, <>, like), wildcard (%), set comparison in (), Boolean operators (and, or, not), and ordering statements (order by x asc/desc), as shown in the following examples:

status = 'Active' and description like '%manufacturer%'
category in ('Supplier', 'Customer') order by name
country not in ('Australia', 'New Zealand')