A workflow is added to a Company, Contract, or Project Profile using the Workflow Wizard. The wizard guides you through the process of creating a workflow once you select a template and a workflow team. If a step in the workflow requires the approval of more than one user, you will also be prompted to select a routing table. The Workflow Wizard is also used to edit a workflow.

  1. Open the Company, Contract, or Project Profile that needs the workflow.
  2. In the Contract or Company Profile, click Workflows in the toolbar.
  3. In the Project Profile, click the Workflows link.
  4. In the Workflows section of the contract and company Workflow Profile, click New Workflow.
  5. In the Project Profile, click New Workflow in the Workflows screen.
  6. In the Workflow Wizard, click Next.
  7. In the Workflow Template Selection panel, make a selection in the Workflow Template list, and click Next.
  8. In the Workflow Information panel, review the information for the workflow template to ensure you made the right selection, and then click Next.
  9. (Optional) Relinquish your responsibility for the managing the workflow by making a different selection in the Workflow Owner list.
  10. (Optional) Select the CC Workflow Owner check box to ensure the workflow owner receives an email message whenever a change is made to the workflow.
  11. The Workflow Owner can complete, reassign, and approve any step in the workflow, as well manage workflow documents, and edit, close, and delete the workflow.
  12. (Optional) In the Routing Table Selection panel, select the appropriate table in the Routing Table list, and click Next.
    • A routing table consists of two or more users who have the authority to approve/decline a workflow step that requires approval. If none of the steps in the workflow require a routing table, this panel will not display.
  13. In the Workflow Team Selection panel, select the appropriate team in the Workflow Teams list, and click Next.
  14. (Optional) Click Add Team Member to launch the Address Book to add another member or a distribution list to the team.
  15. Click on a person/distribution list record to select it, and add the person/list to the Workflow Team list box.
  16. To quickly locate a person/list, enter the first few letters of the person's first or last name, or the name of the list, in the Search field, and click the magnifying class. To clear the filter, click x.
  17. Click Submit to select the team members and close the Address Book.
  18. (Optional) Click x to remove a team member.
  19. In the Workflow Step Owner Selection panel, assign an owner for each step by selecting their name in the Owner list, and then click Next.
  20. (Optional) For a step that is divided into sub-steps, such as 4.1 and 4.2, select different step owners since this division indicates an approval step with a routing table, which means the step must be approved by more than one user.
  21. The list of people available for each step is based on the functions that each person holds in Conga Contracts. If only one person is qualified to complete the step, their name is automatically displayed in the Owner field.
  22. In the Workflow Wizard Completion panel, click Finish.
  23. After running the wizard, the workflow is displayed as a record in the Workflows section of the Workflow Profile. When you click on a workflow record, the screen refreshes and displays the individual steps in the workflow. From this screen, you can view and monitor each step to ensure it is completed since Conga Contracts sends an email notification to the owner of each workflow step, informing him/her that they need to complete the step.

Workflow Profile/Browse Screen

The Workflow Profile contains basic information for the Contract, Company, or Project associated with the workflow, as well as a Workflows section with links to the individual workflows that have been added to the Profile.