An additional field that has been added to the Additional Fields section of the default Contract, Company, or Project Profile cannot be deleted. However, a user with the Additional Forms Admin permission can prevent users from populating the field by hiding the field.


A field in an additional form can also be hidden.

In the steps below, we are hiding a field in the Additional Fields section of a Contract Profile, but the procedure is the same for a Company Profile and a Project Profile.

  1. Locate the contract additional field you want to hide, and display its Profile Edit screen.
  2. Locate the field in Column 1 or Column 2, and click on it to select it. An active field is outlined with a red segmented line and its properties display in the Field Properties table.
  3. Right-click on the field, and click the icon. The hidden field is grayed out.


    To delete an Information Panel, right-click on the panel and click the icon.

  4. Click Save.