Existing workflow teams are viewed and managed from the Workflow Teams browse screen. A workflow team identifies the people who can complete the steps in a Workflow Template. The template contains the steps to be followed in one of your company's processes or procedures, and may be used in conjunction with a Routing Table if any of the workflow steps require approval.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click Workflow Teams.
  2. In the Workflow Teams browse screen, locate a team using one of the following options:
    • Scroll through the list.

    • Click on the Name header to sort workflow teams in ascending or descending order.

  3. Click on a workflow team to display the Workflow Team Edit screen where you can review the members of the team.
    • From this screen, you can also edit and delete the workflow team.


To add a new workflow team, or make a copy of an existing team, click New in the toolbar of the Workflow Teams browse screen.