The User History File provides a chronological list of the changes that have been made to a user's User Profile.

You need the User Admin permission to view a history of the changes made to the information in the User Profile for a program user. The User History also provides the date the user was added to the system, along with the dates the user was disabled/re-enabled, if applicable. If a user was replaced by transferring their responsibilities to another user, a record of the replacement displays in the History screen of both User Profiles.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Users link in the menu.
  2. In the Users browse screen, locate the user whose history you want to view, and click their user record to select it.
  3. In the User Profile screen, click View History in the toolbar.
  4. In the History screen, view the changes that have been made to the User Profile.


A change has been made if there is information in the Updated Value column for a field. The original information for the field is displayed in the corresponding Original Value column. If the Original Value field is blank, the information in the Updated Value field was provided after the Profile was initially created.