There are three ways to locate a flow:

  • Search the Active Workflow Items portlet in your Dashboard.
  • Search the Flows view of the Workflows section of the Workflow Profile in a Company or Contract Profile, or the Workflows screen in a Project Profile.
  • Create a search query.

Active Workflow Items Portlet

Using the two flow views in the portlet, you can locate the flow steps that have been assigned to you, as well as the pending steps of flows for contracts that include you as a responsible person. When you are assigned to a flow step, you are the step owner and you must complete the step, or reassign it, if permitted.

  1. From the Active Workflow Items portlet, click the My Flow Steps tab.
  2. Locate the step you want to review and/or complete, and click on it to be directed to the Contract, Company, or Project Profile screen containing the flow.
  3. (Optional) Click the MyContracts Flow tab to display the pending flow steps for any contracts that include you as a responsible person
  4. Click on a flow step record to be directed to the Contract Profile screen containing the flow.

Workflow Profile or Workflows Screen

Although the latest flow is the only one that displays in the Contract, Company, and Project Profile screen, you can view any completed or invalidated flows that were run prior to the current flow.

  1. Open the Company, Contract, or Project Profile containing the flow.
  2. In the Contract or Company Profile, click Workflows in the toolbar.
    • In the Project Profile, click the Workflows link.
  3. In the Workflows section of the contract and company Workflow Profile, click the Flows tab.
  4. In the Project Profile, click the Flows tab in the Workflows screen.
  5. Locate the flow whose information you want to review, and click on it to refresh the screen and display the activities for the flow, as well as those for the steps in the flow.

Search Query

A search query to locate completed contract, company, or project flows is shown below.

  1. Click Search in the Navigation Toolbar, and select the Search Query link in the menu.
  2. In the Query Info view of the screen, click New in the toolbar.
  3. When the screen refreshes, set up one of the following hierarchies in the Result Type list to search for a company, contract, or project workflow:
    • Company
      • Click in the list to display the hierarchy, and click the Company folder.
    • Company→Contract
      • Click in the list to display the hierarchy, and click the > icon to the left of the Company folder.
      • Scroll past the alphabetical listing of fields in the Company Profile, and click the Contract folder.
    • Project
      1. Click in the list to display the hierarchy, and click the Project folder.
      2. You can also drill down one level, expand the Flow Template hierarchy, and click Flow Stage to search a flow stage. Expand the Flow Stage hierarchy and select Flow Step Data to search for information on a step, or expand the Flow Step Activity hierarchy to search for approved steps.
  4. In the Criteria section, set one of the following hierarchies for the company, contract, or project flow in the field list:
    1. Company→Flow→Flow Complete
      1. Click in the field list to display the hierarchy, and click the > icon to the left of the Company folder.
      2. Scroll past the alphabetical listing of fields in the Company Profile, and click the > icon to the left of the Flow folder.
      3. Click the Flow Complete sub-folder.
    2. Company→Contract→Flow→Flow Complete
      1. Click in the field list to display the hierarchy, and click the > icon to the left of the Company folder.
      2. Scroll past the alphabetical listing of fields in the Company Profile, and click the > icon to the left of the Contract folder.
      3. Scroll through the alphabetical listing of fields in the Contract Profile, and click the > icon to the left of the Flow folder.
      4. Click the Flow Complete sub-folder.
    3. Project→Company→Flow→Flow Complete to search for completed company flows in the project, OR
      1. Click in the field list to display the hierarchy, and click the > icon to the left of the Project folder.
      2. Click the > icon to the left of the Company folder.
      3. Scroll past the alphabetical listing of fields in the Company Profile, and click the > icon to the left of the Flow folder.
      4. Click the Flow Complete sub-folder.
    4. Project→Contract→Flow→Flow Complete to search for completed contract workflows in the project:
      1. Click in the field list to display the hierarchy, and click the > icon to the left of the Project folder.
      2. Click the > icon to the left of the Contract folder.
      3. Scroll past the alphabetical listing of fields in the Contract Profile, and click the > icon to the left of the Flow folder.
      4. Click the Flow Complete sub-folder.
      5. You can also search for flow stages, flows with skipped steps, invalidated flows, and dates related to the flow. For flow steps, you can search for steps that have been approved and reassigned.
  5. In the Criteria section, define the operator and value(s) for the search:
    • Select True in the inclusion list.
    • Select False to search for incomplete (active) flows.

  6. The True, False, Not Empty, Null, and Not Null operators in the inclusion list do not require a value.
  7. Click Execute in the toolbar to run the query.
  8. When the Results view of the screen displays, click a search record to be directed to the Contract, Company, or Project Profile containing the flow.