You need the Global Messaging Admin permission to edit a global message. You can change the subject of the message, the date it is scheduled to be displayed and/or removed, the message itself, and the recipients for the message. You can also change the way the message displays in user Dashboards (as a Warning, Alert, or simply an Informational message).

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Global Messaging link in the menu.
  2. In the Global Messages screen, locate the message you want to edit under the Alert, Information, or Warning heading. Global messages are listed alphabetically by the subject of the message.
  3. Click the global message record to display a screen whose name reflects the subject of the message, and click Edit in the toolbar.
  4. When the screen displays in edit mode, update the information in any of the fields:
    • Subject - Modify the subject of the global message. The information in this field displays as the message header in user Dashboards.
    • Priority - Make a different selection (Information, Warning, or Alert) to change the importance of the message.
    • Start Date - Click calendar icon and use the calendar to change the date the message should first appear in user Dashboards.
    • (Optional) End Date - Click the calendar icon and use the calendar to change the date the message should be removed from user Dashboards.
    • Message Body - Modify the global message in the field. The information in this field displays under the message header in user Dashboards.
    • (Optional) Use the Formatting Toolbar to format the text in your message.
    • (Optional) Add an active link to the message by clicking + icon in the Toolbar.
  5. (Optional) Change the user roles that will receive the global message by selecting/clearing the role's check box in the Roles section of the screen.
  6. Click Save.