Existing task lists are viewed and managed from the Task List Browse screen. A task list is an ordered set of tasks that identify the steps in a process or procedure for a company, contract, or project. Once a task list is created, it is available as a template when users create a task list for a Company, Contract, or Project Profile.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Task Lists link in the menu.
  2. In the Task List Browse screen, locate the list by its name or description.
    • Click a column heading to change the sort order of the data.
    • To resize a column, hover over the right or left border of the column heading until the resize icon appears. Click the icon and drag the border to the desired width.

  3. Click a task list record to display its Task List Edit screen, where you can perform the following:
    • Edit the task list
    • Delete the task list


You can add a task list from the Task List Browse screen.