1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Application Settings > Global Settings > Asset.
  2. Enter the following details and click Save:
Setting Description
General Setting
Default Asset Pricing Indicator

Turning on this setting Indicates whether asset pricing is enabled by default for asset-related line items.

Hide Assets Action

Select one or more actions to be hidden on the installed products page. Selected actions will be hidden from the users. All the actions are displayed if the value is empty. Select from:

  • Cancel
  • Relate
  • Swap
  • Renew
  • Terminate

Submenu Action

Select one or multiple actions to be displayed in the asset action submenu dropdown. Select from:

  • Change Merge
  • Change Split
  • Change Configuration
  • Relate Component
  • Change Quantity

Asset Source

Indicates the account source which the asset line items will be retrieved from. Select from:

  • Bill To
  • Ship To
  • Sold To

Show Assets

Decide which assets to display from the current, parent, or child assets of the current asset's account. Use a comma-separated string of Parents and Children. If empty, only assets related to the context account are shown.

Filter Fields

Enter the Asset Line Fields to be displayed on the filter. Supported values are text fields and End Date.

Show Account Filters

Turn on this setting to display the accounts filter on the installed products page.

Hide Co-term

Turn on this setting to hide the co-term end date on the renew.

Apply Adj To Current Contract Term

Turn on this setting to keep the discounting limited to the current contract term.

Enable Default Quantity For ABO Item

Turn on this setting to enable the default quantity for the ABO item.

Enable Price Rule for Assets

Turn on this setting to enable the price rule adjustments to the assets.

Asset Restore Fields

Select the fields to be restored during Amend and Renew operations. Asset fields are restored from the original asset upon re-selection of an option during an asset operation. The renewed Start Date and renewed End Date are restored during renew operation.

For example, A1, A2, A3 have values 1,2,3 from asset. During Amend and Renew operations, if you modified the same to 4,5,6. Deselected the option and reselected it. Now the values are restored to asset values which are 1,2,3. This is possible when all three fields A1, A2, and A3 are selected in Asset Restore Fields.

There is one limitation, attribute values are not restored.


Base Price Defaulting Method For Renewal

Indicates how the base price should be defaulted when the asset is renewed. The supported Values are: Net Unit Price (default if not specified) Higher Of Contract Unit Price / Net Unit Price Lower Of Contract Unit Price / Net Unit Price.

Default Renewal Term

When the value is provided use this value as the renewal term for Renewing products. The number signifies months to renew as the end date.

Renew One Ramp

Turn on this setting to renew only one ramp line item based on the new term in order of renewal term in the asset line item, default renewal term in installed product setting and selling term in the asset line item.

Renewal Business Object Type

Select the quote or agreement object used in renewal product configuration. Select from:

  • Proposal (Default)
  • Agreement

Renewal Execution Mode

Select the mode of Renewal Quote/Agreement generation. Select from:

  • Auto (Default)
  • On Demand

Renewal Group Fields

Select one or multiple asset line item fields to group for Renewal quote/agreement. 

Renewal Lead Time

Enter the renewal lead time in number of days to satisfy On-demand renewal Quote/agreement generation. This is assets expiration days from system date.

Enable One Time Change

Turn on this setting to allow users to make changes to one timeline item.

Bypass Must Configure

Turn on this setting to allow to selection of multiple assets for Amend operation including must required bundle asset.

End Date Preferences For Co-term

Select the end date preferences for the Co-term. The supported values are Use Custom Date, Use Proposal End Date, and Retain Current Asset End Date.

Default Co-term Option

Select the default end date preference for Co-term. The supported values are Use Custom Date, Use Proposal End Date, and Retain Current Asset End Date.

Change-Split Asset Actions

Specify the actions that can be performed on a split asset. The supported values are Amend, Renew, and Swap.

Purchase Identification Criteria

Identify the fields that determine the eligibility for co-term and the cumulation of the quantity. A list of comma-separated asset line item fields that determine the eligibility for co-term and quantity cumulation.

Merge Action Criteria Fields

List of asset line item fields separated by comma to enable merge asset action.


Same Day Cancellation

Turn on this setting to check out the Same Day Cancellation option will provide behaviour where cancellation will be done on the same day, unchecking it will mean Cancellation will be using cancel day + 1 behaviour.

Editable Fields For Cancelled Lines

A comma-separated list of editable asset line item fields for cancelled lines.