You can create one or more storefront settings for the application.

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Application Settings > Storefront Settings. The Storefront Settings page is displayed.
  2. Click the Create New button. The Add new storefront popup is displayed.
  3. Enter the following details:



    Storefront NameEnter a name for the Storefront.
    Channel TypeSelect the the type of channel.
    Default AccountEnter the account used for guest users or if user is not associated to an account.
    Default PricelistSelect the price list. The storefront will show catalog based on this unless the cart or the account has a different price list.
    Guest User Guest User field is now a lookup field. Search and select the account associated to a guest user on this storefront.
    Default FlowSelect the flow houses settings for enabling features like system and testflow in the storefront.
  4. Click Create. A storefront setting is created.


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