Price dimensions are an important concept to link any field into the pricing tables. Any field that will determine a pricing adjustment such as Quantity, Term, and more, needs a dimension created for it.

Navigating the Price Dimensions Page

When you launch the Price Dimensions page on the UI, all the existing price dimensions are listed on this page along with their details. There are various functionalities available for you to manage the price dimensions.

Managing Views

You can manage column width, control which columns are displayed in the grid, freeze/pin a column range, or rearrange the column order. You can also filter the view of records in the grid by performing a keyword search, filtering the list by column value, or applying one or more advanced filters and filter logic. For more information, see Managing the View Settings and Filtering the Records.

Actions available on this page

  • Click Create New to create a new price dimensions.
  • Click the ellipsis icon next to a price dimension name to edit or delete an existing price dimension.
  • Click the price dimension name link to open the Price Dimension details page.
  • Export the selected price dimensions. For more information, see Exporting Records.

This section provides information on managing price dimensions.