This section describes the renewal process for a standalone asset. The Asset 'ABO Standalone1_AS' has 4 different charge types.

The cart is finalized and an order is generated. You can see the Asset Line Items on the Quote/Proposal or from the Account.

Let us see how this Asset is renewed based on the Renewal Option of Retaining the Asset End Date.

Deriving Start and End Dates

For renewal transactions, Asset Start Date will always be current Asset End Date + 1. In this renewal option, Asset End Date will be the date derived from adding the Selling Term again.

Before Renewal 

AssetStart DateEnd Date
ABO Standalone1_AS07/26/201607/25/2017

After Renewal  

AssetStart DateEnd Date
ABO Standalone1_AS07/26/201707/25/2018

The Asset Status on the Installed Products page is Pending Renewal. When you confirm and go to the Cart page, the Status changes to Renewed.