In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, resolved issues, and known issues for the TurboEngines December21.02.04 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in TurboEngines Documentation and What's New in Data Sync Documentation.

This documentation may contain descriptions of software features that are optional and for which you may not have purchased a license. As a result, your specific software solution and/or implementation may differ from those described in this document. Please contact your CSM or AE for information on your specific features and licensing.

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The following packages and dependent packages are required to upgrade to this release to utilize all the new features of this release. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Separate prerequisites for each feature can be found in the respective guides. The packages marked as (New) are new in this release.


Latest Certified Version

(Version Name | Version Number)

Conga Base Library | 2.225.1

Conga Configuration & Pricing (New)

113.2.1969.40 | 13.1969.40

System Requirements and Supported Platforms 

For information pertaining to the requirements and recommendations, you must consider before you proceed with the installation of the Conga product suite delivered on the Salesforce platform, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features 

There are no new features in this release. Keep checking the Conga Documentation Portal for new updates.


There are no enhancements in this release.

Fixed Issues

The following table lists the issues fixed in this release. If any actions are required, they will be listed in this table.

Case NumberConga Internal IDDescription

You encounter the following error while adding the service a second time to the cart.

updateCartLineItems: Attempt to de-reference a NULL object.

NALS-8964If the custom revalidation callback is enabled, you encounter duplicate remote calls (getCustomRevalidation) while configuring the services or products.
PST-2216LS-8944The user-selected options get removed with nested bundles of three-level after calculating service price. 

You encounter the following error while adding the service product to the cart.

'System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object'


You encounter the following error while adding the service product to the cart.

'System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object'


If you remove the bundle and try to reconfigure the same bundle, you intermittently encounter the following error.

'Error executing [updateCartLineItems]: Attempt to de-reference a null object'


You encounter the InvalidActorNameException as Child actor is not unique if the snapshot fails.

00781965LS-8952The Reprice button is not responsive after applying the usage price Tiers to a product in the cart.

The custom formula field (%) is calculated incorrectly for a warranty charge type. The cart displays the non-zero value for the custom formula field margin instead of 0 when you add charge type Lease using a product attribute.  


The grand total on the cart is not updating after CSP for NONPOS flow after changing quantity, billing plan, and start or End dates.


The Enddate of the option gets removed and replaced by the proposed end date If you delete and recreate the cart.

00783500LS-7901The cart approvals are not working on the product configuration object if the Order object is a parent object.
NALS-8992The constraint rule is not working for the non-POS quotes which contain products that are not part of the current product structure.
NALS-8950You encounter ReverseSync ActorNotFound expectation error while resolving the ActorSelection. 
00783500LS-8940If you apply a base price override adjustment to the bundle main charges type line item during the bundle configuration, the same adjustment gets applied to the other chare type line items.

Changing the default selections in a service configuration removes most of the auto selection from the cart page after executing the pricing. 

NALS-8896You encounter a browser's WebSocket API error if you try to send a message when the WebSockets handle is in the connecting state. 
PST-2203LS-8895The constraint rule still appears on the cart page even after selecting the relevant option for menu bundles.
NALS-8860If you apply the discounts through the summary group, the Approval check does not work as intended.

The deal guidance displays the incorrect results due to the incorrect formula field result.

PST-2158LS-8721You observe multiple discrepancies in the cart page after calculating the service price. 
PST-2067LS-8530You cannot trigger the eligibility rules for a few products.

You observe the following error while configuring the product.

"Price List Item not Found".

Known Issues 

The following table provides the cumulative list of known issues up to this release. 

Conga Internal IDDescription

You encounter the following error after deleting the bundle or subbundle or option with PAR.

"Getting Error executing [deleteLineItems]: Attempt to de-reference a null object"


When the default quantity of options has a numeric expression, the cart page does not calculate the option price for the bundle.


The cart calculates the grand total incorrectly and gets corrected after reconfiguring the product. 


When you change the quantity through the client-side, the progress bar appears on the cart page.


The product configuration does not get updated when you copy the product. 

LS-8798Multiple Adjustment does not copy to cloned Quote.
LS-8692You can not select the options that have a long product description during the product configuration.

Duplicate charge types are created for products with multiple charge types when you relaunch the saved cart.

LS-8674The cart becomes unresponsive and does not allow copying products during the configuration.

Duplicate radio buttons are selected by default during the product configuration if the Select Many Options functionality is enabled.

Resolution: Click the Confirm Option Selections to remove the duplicate radio buttons selection.

LS-8666You observe a delay in removing the constraint rule error messages after selecting the required product or option.
LS-8588The cart page does not update the grand total when you relaunch the saved turbo quote with more than 5k lines after deleting some products during the product configuration. 
LS-8864The cart displays the grand total when you revalidate the expired or inactive price list items with custom fields.
LS-8577When you relaunch the saved cart, the cart displays the incorrect progress bar message.

The pending configuration icon is displayed next to the products when you relaunch the saved quote after updating attributes with numeric expression in the product configuration. 

LS-8786The cart becomes unresponsive when you relaunch the cart in a read-only mode after making the changes to line items.

The cart page does not display the constraint rule errors or warnings intermittently after reconfiguring the quote saved with constraint rule error or warning messages. 

LS-8727You observe inconsistent behavior of the progress bar while launching the cart.

The empty cart is displayed when you navigate to the cart page from the Validate Cart page.


When the saveAdjustmentLineItems action is in progress, you observe a top progress bar instead of the Save action button. 


After copying the line items, the cart page displays the incorrect error message on the progress bar. 


You encounter the following error message when you complete the pricing after adding the 1k lines to the cart.

"Could not resolve remote action: saveAdjustmentLineItems".

LS-8249The attribute-based pricing does not work for the numeric expression.

You encounter the following error while finalizing the revalidated cart if the revalidation callback is configured in your org.

"entity is deleted".


The Reprice option is displayed as a primary action instead of Finalize on the cart page. 

LS-8477The product attribute value field does not clear after clicking the Validate button. 

You encounter a blank cart when you set the custom view as a default view.

LS-8349The validation error message disappears when you navigate from the configuration page to the cart page.
LS-8564In the Turbo ABO Change flow, the cart miscalculates the pricing after adding an option that has an auto-inclusion rule. 
LS-8452You encounter an error when you apply multiple promotions with inclusion criteria. 
LS-8520The coupon applied on LineItem is not available under the coupons tab.
LS-8567PFStoPF rule does not trigger when you re-configure the quote.

When you deselect the options from the sub-bundle, the inclusion show message rule is not triggered, resulting in an error message appearing on the configuration page. 


The deactivated product appears on the cart page even after revalidation.

LS-8458An incorrect inclusion rule is triggered when you use four product fieldset in the condition criteria.

The constraint rule is not triggered as intended when you exclude the option using Min/Max Match Rule or include an option using another constraint rule. 

LS-8443The cart page does not respond when you trigger the validation rule criteria. 
LS-8390When multiple sub bundles have a common option, the action product for any constraint rule, the constraint rule with auto include is selecting or deselecting correctly. 

You intermittently encounter a cart issue when the pricing is in progress.


When the PLI of the rule added product is inactive, the cart page does not display products even after reconfiguring.


When you copy or delete products in the section view, you encounter the following issues. 

  • Entity deleted error while performing delete action on the cart page.
  • Incorrect line sequence of the products after deleting the product.
  • Disables the dropdown option beside Reprice on the cart page.
  • The deleted products are visible in other views. 


In the TurboPricing flow, auto pricing occurs if you adjust any field on the cart while pricing is in progress.
CMS-700CPQ displays an error after adding the condition and action for different countries when using Match In Location.

When you delete the condition of an Action, the action is also getting deleted along with the condition. 

CMS-701When configuring Match In Location, the error message is displayed continuously after deleting the actions.
CMS-702In TurboConfig flow, CPQ displays an error after selecting the cloned condition.

When you update the quantity of cloned options after cloning it, the blank values are displayed for all the attributes of cloned options. 

CMS-704The original and cloned actions are deselected and added an extra clone for action after cloning a condition and action products.
CMS-705Only one success message appears after adding the condition twice, 
CMS-706When performing repeat inclusion, an error message is not displayed after deleting the action from the mini cart.
CMS-707When configuring Repeat Inclusion, the error message displayed for the prompt disappears.
CPQ-44694The price factor (Bundle Only) adjustment is not supported.

The formula field on the charge type displays the incorrect values on the cart.

CPQ-44599Promotions with the "Contains" operator in the criteria do not work.
CPQ-52177In the TurboPricing flow, the progress bar appears a second time even after sync action has started.
CPQ-52179On the Cart page, CPQ displays are vertical scroll on the progress bar.
CPQ-52180In the TurboPricing flow, the sync icon tooltip message is displayed in multiple lines masking some fields in the cart.
CPQ-52186In the TurboPricing flow, when you performed save action and update a line item, CPQ calculates pricing though you have not clicked Reprice.
CPQ-52224In TurboConfig and TurboPricing flows, CPQ displays the pricing pending icon for a few seconds after you perform mass updates.
LS-4895Some objects in seed data are not protected (made read-only) when the option "Include all fields including future fields" is enabled.