In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, resolved issues, and known issues for the TurboEngines May '22 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in TurboEngines Documentation and What's New in Data Sync Documentation.

This documentation may contain descriptions of software features that are optional and for which you may not have purchased a license. As a result, your specific software solution and/or implementation may differ from those described in this document. Please contact your CSM or AE for information on your specific features and licensing.

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The following packages and dependent packages are required to upgrade to this release to utilize all the new features of this release. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Separate prerequisites for each feature can be found in the respective guides. The packages marked as (New) are new in this release.


Latest Certified Version

(Version Name | Version Number)

Conga Base Library (New)

3.0.232 | 3.232

Conga Configuration & Pricing (New)


System Requirements and Supported Platforms 

For information pertaining to the requirements and recommendations, you must consider before you proceed with the installation of the Conga product suite delivered on the Salesforce platform, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features 

The following features are new to Conga TurboEngines.

TurboPricing: Asset Based Ordering

In this release, you can perform the following asset-based actions. 

ABO-SwapSwapping an asset

You can replace the asset with another product available on the replacement constraint rule. This is a one-to-one relationship. You can only replace one asset with one product in one transaction. For more information, see Swapping an Asset and Configuring Asset-Based Ordering.

You can perform swap operations between the products from the same price list.

ABO-ChangeUpdating the quantity for an asset

You can provide a new quantity that can be transacted on the current cart. This quantity is added to the existing quantity of the assets.  For more information, see Changing an Asset and Configuring Asset-Based Ordering

ABO-SplitSplitting an asset

You can use existing assets and split them into more assets with different quantities and dates. On each split line of the asset, you can perform various asset-based actions such as split, split ad swap, and split and renew. new assets inherit all the prices and attributes of assets. You can split standalone assets and bundle assets that have option line items and bundled assets into multiple components each with its quantity, start date, and end date. For more information, see Splitting Assets and Configuring Asset-Based Ordering.

TurboPricing: Support for 5k lines for Enterprise Carts

In this release, when Turbo is enabled, you can create a quote or order with up to 5000 line items. To achieve this, you must set the quote-to-cash profile to Enterprise. For more information on enabling enterprise as a quote-to-cash profile value, see Enabling Enterprise as a QTC Profile Value.

The support for 5K line items for enterprise carts is compatible with API only, not through the user interface. 

TurboPricing: Loading a line item with asset price or product PLI price conditionally based on asset line status

In this release, you can load a line item with Asset price for some of the defined line statuses. In some cases, the cart line item is required to have PLI price instead of Asset price and vice versa for some ABO operations. For example, if you want to use PLI price for an asset, when the Default Asset Pricing is set as TRUE, the cart line item status is set to Renewed after pricing. Then, all line items apart from the Renewed status will take asset price and the cart takes PLI price for the renewed status. Similarly, if you want to use asset price when the Default Asset Pricing is set as False, the cart line item status is set to Amended after pricing. To achieve this, you must override the default asset pricing. For more information, see Overriding the Default Asset Pricing for Line Statuses.

In this release, you can load a line item with Asset price or product PLI price for some of the defined line statuses. As per your requirement, the cart line item requires PLI price instead of Asset price and vice versa for some ABO operations. For example, if you want to use PLI price for an asset with a line status is Renewed, when the default Asset pricing is set as TRUE. In such cases, all line items apart from the renewed status take asset price and the cart takes PLI price for the renewed status. To achieve this, Perform the following.

  • Custom settings > Config System Properties > Default asset pricing indicator TRUE/FALSE.
    Custom Settings > Config Asset Pricing Defaults > Set the Default asset pricing indicator is set to True. For more information, see Overriding the Default Asset Pricing for Line Statuses.

Along with Line status, if you want to add more criteria like switching to PLI price only when the renewed line has a different quantity of different attribute values, then you must perform the following.

  • Custom Settings->  Config Asset Pricing Criteria Fields : Give any name , Line status=Renewed , Criteria fields= Apttus_Config2_Quantity_c, Apttus_Config2__AttributeValueIdr.ApttusVersion_c. You can define these criteria for any modifiable asset line item field and asset attributes and you can mention the line item status. If line status is blank, then this criteria will be used for all the line status of an asset.

If you want to change these settings at any time, you must abandon the cart first and then start the fresh cart.


The following enhancements are new to Conga TurboEngines in this release.

Enhancements to Optional Products Inclusion Rules and Auto-Inclusion Rule Actions

  • The products that are marked optional using the IsOptional checkbox are not considered while evaluating inclusion rules. In addition, CPQ displays an error or warning message when the auto-inclusion rule of type error or warning is set to optional. If the parent bundle of the products is optional, any product that is optional by the rule will not display an error or warning message. 
  • The products that are marked optional using the IsOptional checkbox are not considered while evaluating Auto-Inclusion Rule Actions. In addition, CPQ displays a warning message if you include products from a show message inclusion rule or check on a finalize inclusion rule of type warning is set to optional. If the parent bundle of the products is optional, any product that is optional by the rule will not display an error or warning message. 

Fixed Issues

The following table lists the known issues fixed from the previous release.

Conga Internal IDDescription
CPQ-55013When you reconfigure a cart after finalizing the proposal, CPQ does not display the pop-up on the click of the "i" icon next to the bundle product to open the price details.

CPQ updates Selling Term for options where auto-cascade for Selling Term is set to false.

CPQ-54875After you complete the price override, CPQ does not set Grand total and adjustments correctly.
CPQ-54840When Rounding Mode is set to UP and Custom Rounding flag is set to True, if the user applies promotion, the net price is incorrect.
CPQ-54838When Rounding Mode is set to HALF_UP and Custom Rounding flag is set to True, if the user applies Cumulative Range Matrix with % Discount, the net price is incorrect.
CPQ-54787When Rounding Mode is set to HALF_DOWN and Custom Rounding flag is set to True, if the user applies promotion, the net price is incorrect.

On the Deal Guidance pop-up, the Price From and Price To values are incorrect.

CPQ-54288Multiple APIs are throwing errors while passing masterdata as consumer name.

Sometimes pricing is not synchronized back to SFDC with auto-sync.


CPQ does not display available promotions under the Coupons tab on the Apply Promotions pop-up. This rendered you to unable to remove the applied coupons.

CPQ-54066CPQ does not trigger constraint rules again if you remove the condition product and add it again to the cart.
CPQ-54057In a constraint rule where Action Type = Exclusion and Action Intent = Prompt, when the user adds a specific product to the Cart, CPQ does not display a prompt to remove that product.
CPQ-54045When you have enabled the Select Many Options functionality, duplicate radio buttons are selected by default.

Known Issues 

The following table provides the cumulative list of known issues up to this release. 

Conga Internal IDDescription

You encounter the following error after deleting the bundle or subbundle or option with PAR.

"Getting Error executing [deleteLineItems]: Attempt to de-reference a null object"


After saving or finalizing the product configuration, the status of the product configuration is displayed as New instead of Saved or Finalised.


When you change the quantity through the client-side, the progress bar appears on the cart page.

LS-8692You can not select the options that have a long product description during the product configuration.
LS-8674The cart becomes unresponsive and does not allow copying products during the configuration.

Duplicate radio buttons are selected by default during the product configuration if the Select Many Options functionality is enabled.

Resolution: Click the Confirm Option Selections to remove the duplicate radio buttons selection.

LS-8864The cart displays the grand total when you revalidate the expired or inactive price list items with custom fields.
LS-8577When you relaunch the saved cart, the cart displays the incorrect progress bar message.

The pending configuration icon is displayed next to the products when you relaunch the saved quote after updating attributes with numeric expression in the product configuration. 

LS-8786The cart becomes unresponsive when you relaunch the cart in a read-only mode after making the changes to line items.
LS-8727You observe inconsistent behavior of the progress bar while launching the cart.

When the saveAdjustmentLineItems action is in progress, you observe a top progress bar instead of the Save action button. 


You encounter the following error message when you complete the pricing after adding the 1k lines to the cart.

"Could not resolve remote action: saveAdjustmentLineItems".

LS-8249The attribute-based pricing does not work for the numeric expression.

The Reprice option is displayed as a primary action instead of Finalize on the cart page. 

LS-8477The product attribute value field does not clear after clicking the Validate button. 
LS-8349The validation error message disappears when you navigate from the configuration page to the cart page.
LS-8520The coupon applied on LineItem is not available under the coupons tab.
LS-8567PFStoPF rule does not trigger when you re-configure the quote.

When you deselect the options from the sub-bundle, the inclusion show message rule is not triggered, resulting in an error message appearing on the configuration page. 


The deactivated product appears on the cart page even after revalidation.


The constraint rule is not triggered as intended when you exclude the option using Min/Max Match Rule or include an option using another constraint rule. 

LS-8443The cart page does not respond when you trigger the validation rule criteria. 
LS-8390When multiple sub bundles have a common option, the action product for any constraint rule, the constraint rule with auto include is selecting or deselecting correctly. 

When the PLI of the rule added product is inactive, the cart page does not display products even after reconfiguring.


When you copy or delete products in the section view, you encounter the following issues. 

  • Entity deleted error while performing delete action on the cart page.
  • Incorrect line sequence of the products after deleting the product.
  • Disables the dropdown option beside Reprice on the cart page.
  • The deleted products are visible in other views. 
CMS-700CPQ displays an error after adding the condition and action for different countries when using Match In Location.

When you delete the condition of an Action, the action is also getting deleted along with the condition. 

CMS-701When configuring Match In Location, the error message is displayed continuously after deleting the actions.
CMS-702In TurboConfig flow, CPQ displays an error after selecting the cloned condition.

When you update the quantity of cloned options after cloning it, the blank values are displayed for all the attributes of cloned options. 

CMS-704The original and cloned actions are deselected and added an extra clone for action after cloning a condition and action products.
CMS-705Only one success message appears after adding the condition twice, 
CMS-706When performing repeat inclusion, an error message is not displayed after deleting the action from the mini cart.
CMS-707When configuring Repeat Inclusion, the error message displayed for the prompt disappears.
CPQ-53494In case of Include(AND) and Include with Bundle Option(AND), CPQ does not apply promotions as expected.
CPQ-53938Multiple conditions with attributes are not fulfilling the criteria and getting incorrect base price and net price values on the Cart.
CPQ-54002A constraint rule where Action Type = Inclusion and Action Intent = Show Message is not triggered, and a message is not disappearing when the user is trying to deselect options inside a sub-bundle.

CPQ does not display conditional charge types with multiple charge type criteria on the line item


When you remove promotions from the line items on the Cart page, CPQ sometimes does not complete the removal and keeps the promotions attached.

CPQ-54160Auto-inclusion does not work when a sub-bundle and its option are auto-included using a constraint rule.
CPQ-54164After data sync, auto-publish does not trigger automatically for a few products. 
CPQ-54169A constraint rule is taking time to trigger a specific quote.
CPQ-54170CPQ is taking almost 30 seconds to open the Configuration page.

When you reconfigure the cart, CPQ does not display any products on the Cart page. This happens when the price list item of an auto-included product is inactive.

CPQ-54506CPQ displays an "Entity is deleted" error on the Cart page even after you revalidate the product with the deleted primary price list item.
CPQ-54535In the case of For Every X Get X promotion, when you add the same product twice to the Cart, you see weird pricing on the newly added line item.

In Turbo Engines Admin (app), when you click Manage Sync against any action, you get the following error:

Enter a valid URL and try Again

CPQ-54826After making the whole bundle as Is optional, CPQ still displays the config pending icon on the Cart.
CPQ-54898 / CPQ-54970In the TurboConfig flow, CPQ delays or does not execute the constraint rules when you use Service CPQ.

When you add new products to the cart that auto-include other products, CPQ removes existing auto-included products from the cart.


In the TurboConfig flow, when you change the condition product that auto-included those options, CPQ does not deselect the auto-included options.


CPQ displays an incorrect grand total when you use Service CPQ. 

Resolution: Perform the CSP again to display the correct grand total.

CPQ-55324When the IsOptional option is enabled for a sub-bundle, CPQ does not display the constraint rule error message.
CPQ-55309/CPQ-55364CPQ does not trigger the eligibility rule in the service CPQ flow. 
CPQ-55067You encounter an error on the console and the progress bar does not respond while configuring the service. 
CPQ-55281CPQ displays an error to complete the pricing even though the pricing is completed. 
CPQ-55278You observe a mismatch in the product name on the catalog page while configuring the product.
CPQ-55274Sometimes, CPQ does not allow you to configure the service In the turbo flow.
CPQ-55250CPQ does not allow you to finalize the quote configuration status when you relaunch the cart.
CPQ-55218When you revalidate the deleted primary PLI for the default option of the product, CPQ does not allow to finalize the cart. 
CPQ-54158You encounter an error while configuring the complex bundle that is loaded with a lot of options and rules.
CPQ-55266CPQ Turbo Net adjustment % on Summary lines are incorrect for Misc line items.
CPQ-54439The objects in the extensibility profile get deleted and custom fields in the consumer profile get restored to the previous version.
CPQ-55313The TurboPricing's production server does not respond as intended as a result the TurboPricing API responds with status 500. 

The constraint rules are not triggered as intended in the turbo quotes.

DOC ID: CTEMAY22RN20220406