Managing the Cart
The Carts home page or My Carts page displays a list of all carts that you have created for the selected account. The cart list displays carts with the following information:
- Cart Number
- Name
- Created Date
- Created By
- Is Active
- Total Amount
- Status
- Number of Items
The following API with the appropriate parameters is used to retrieve the selected account's cart data. For more information, click here.
GET https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts
For example:
From the My Carts page, you can:
Create a cart: You can create a cart by clicking New Cart.Note:
The following API is used to create a cart. For more information, click here.
You can also create a contract price list to apply special pricing to the cart and cart line item levels. Refer to the following steps for contract pricing:
- The implementer creates a contract price list and adds the Contract Number while creating a Contract Price List. (API reference)
- The implementer creates a contract price list item. For more information, see Creating a Price List Item. (API Reference)
- The user applies contract pricing at the cart level and adds the Contract Number while creating a Cart. Cart level contract pricing is not available with an out-of-the-box template. You need to implement it for the Cart Details page.
- The user applies contract pricing at the cart line item level and adds the Contract Number while creating a Cart Line Item.
Note:When you click Save while creating a new cart, the default cart name is generated in a user-friendly format when the user does not provide it. It includes the first characters of the user's first & last name, the creation date, and the creation time.
For example, the cart is created by John Smith on October 3, 2024 at 11:01:20, will be named JS-100324-110120.
Search a cart: You can search for the cart to refine
the cart list. Enter a keyword related to the name. It displays all carts that contain
that keyword.Note:
The following API with the filter parameter is used to search the particular cart. For more information, click here.
Delete a cart: Select a particular cart from the list
> click the More (
) icon > select the Delete option.
Note:The following API is used to delete the cart. For more information, click here.
Delete carts: Select carts from the list > click
the Delete (
) icon.
Note:The following API is used to delete the cart. For more information, click here.
Cone a cart: Select the cart from the list that you
want to clone > click the More (
) icon > select the Clone option.
Note:The following API is used to clone the cart. For more information, click here.
POST https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/cart/v1/carts/{cartId}/clone
Set a cart as active: Select a particular cart from
the list > click the More (
) icon > select the Is Active option to make that cart a primary cart. The active cart is highlighted with a green color. Changing the active cart with a different pricelist displays the categories and products of the selected pricelist on the cart in real time.
Note:The following API with respective parameters is used to set the other cart as active. For more information, click here.
Set Effective Date: Select a particular cart from the
list > click the More (
) icon > select the Set Effective Date option to set the effective date for the selected cart. Based on the data and time set in this field, the pricing and config engines price and run rules on the cart. For example, if the cart's effective date is 30 days from now, the pricing engine will use the pricing that will be active on that date to calculate the prices of the products in the cart's line items, and the config engine will run the rules that will be active on that date.
- Sort the cart list: You can sort the cart list by clicking the Name, Created Date, and Status column names.
Set pagination: You can specify how many carts should
be displayed on a single page. To enable pagination, go to the per page field on the top
right bar and select a value from 10, 20, 30, or 40 carts per page.Note:
The following API with the page, limit, and sort parameters is used for sorting and pagination. For more information, click here.
For example:
https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/carts/v1/carts?filter=eq(Account.Id:'<actual accountId>')&sort=ASC(Name)&Page=1&limit=10
Note: You can click the Cart Number or Name link to pen the cart details page.
As an experienced buyer, you can also use the Quick-Add () button to add multiple products to the cart and create quotes
and orders quickly. For more information, see Using CTA (call-to-action) "Quick-Add"
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