Adding a Storefront Record
The Store object is created during the deployment process. The Store object is the only supplementary object to the CPQ code. You must create a store record. After installing the managed package, there is no way for you can access the Storefront object. You must add a Storefront tab to access the Storefront object.
Apart from the underlying catalog, the Digital Commerce package comes with a store object and tab to map a storefront to a catalog. If you are using an MDO org, there may already be a 'store' object installed. This object is deprecated in favor of the 'Storefront' object that comes with the Digital Commerce package.
After setting up your catalog, the next step is to create a 'Storefront' record. The storefront object is very basic and contains only a couple of fields to map a storefront to a price list and logo for the guest user. The price list should look up to the price list you want the guest user to access and the logo should be an id or a URL of the logo attachment for the store. The storefront record also has a 'banner' related list that can be used to set up banners for the jumbotron component in the reference template. Remember the name of the storefront you created. This will be used in a later step to associate with a storefront codebase.