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Managing Provisions

Access the Provision Library by clicking the Provision Library tab in the left navigation bar.

The Provision Library provides a listing of all provisions, mapped and unmapped. A provision either contains a value (a date, a duration, a percentage, an amount of money, a picklist, or a short text) or language (text). Provisions are classified as built-in or custom. Mapped provisions can be applied when a document is imported for extraction. An unmapped provision is a provision that has been detected but has not been selected for inclusion in extractions.

In addition to Contract Intelligence's extensive library of built-in provisions, you can configure and train your own custom provisions. You cannot edit or delete the built-in provisions. You can, however, update them through syncing.

To view provision details

The Provision Library's default layout provides information about stored provisions at a glance, including the provision name, type, and last sync date for all provisions.

Clicking a provision's name opens a detailed view of that provision.

Syncing Provisions

Syncing the Provision Library brings in new provisions and updates existing provisions from the AI service provider. It is a good idea to synchronize regularly, to get new provisions from the publisher and to benefit from ongoing improvements to the AI.

To sync the Provision Library

  1. Click the Provision Library tab in the left navigation bar to open the Provision Library.
  2. Click the Sync Library button.
  3. Contract Intelligence syncs all available provisions. This can take a considerable amount of time.