You can send a document for eSignature with all the defaults that are setup. Once you click Send For DocuSign, the connector will skip all other steps and send the document for signature. The Default Recipient, Attachment from the Notes & Attachments related list, and Email Subject and Body will be pulled and directly sent for eSignature. 

To directly send a document for eSignature

  1. Click the Agreements tab.
    Click the Proposals tab.
  2. Select the appropriate agreement (or proposal).
  3. Click Send for DocuSign.

    You must have added a Default Recipient in the DocuSign Default Recipient related list and the document to be sent for eSignature must have been added to the Notes & Attachments related list.

  4. Click Send For eSignature.
  5. The status of the envelope is set to Sent. The status of the record updates as well. You can view this envelope in the DocuSign Envelopes related list. In case if the custom setting, DocuSign Batch Processing Disabled, is set to true, you need to manually refresh the browser to see the updated DocuSign Envelope status. 

    If you get an error displaying the message - Your request could not be completed. Try again or contact your support team, if the error persists, you might want to increase the HTTP Timeout as your REST call is unsuccessful. For more information, refer to FAQs.

    If your recipient rejects the document, the Decline Reason will be visible in the Activity History related list (if your recipient has entered a reason to decline).

To sign eSignature documents

You must have sent an agreement document for eSignature to a valid recipient.

  1. Recipients will receive a DocuSign email containing a link to the document, where they can click View Documents to begin the signing process.
  2. Recipients should sign and initial all of the required fields and mark the document as Confirm Signing or mark the document as Complete.
    If you want to reject the document, enter the Decline Reason and click Reject. 

    Doing that sends an email to the recipient confirming they have completed their eSignature task and also moves the eSignature process along to the next phase. This could be the next recipient in the queue or could lead to the status being updated for the agreement.
    If a sequential order was set using the Order field when sending the document for eSignature, then only a single document (or set of documents) will be sent to recipients who will sign it one at a time. If an order was not set, each recipient will sign separate documents and the order in which they do so does not matter.

Once all recipients have completed their eSignatures, the agreement record Status is updated to Fully Signed and the proposal's Approval Stage is updated to Accepted.

If you have enabled Document Versioning for your organization and the document is signed by all recipients, it is saved under the Document Version related list instead of Files/Notes & Attachments. The Agreement Clause is updated to Final and the Document Type field is updated to Executed Document. For more information regarding Document Versioning, refer to Versioning Contract Documents.

The agreement record can now be progressed to the next stage of the agreement process, which will vary depending on your implementation.